Newsletter 14th July 2023


Friday July 14th 2023


2023! It is officially our 100th year celebration.
We have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:
We look forward to celebrating our schools’ incredible milestone with you this year!

Access your child’s semester 1 2023 reports on COMPASS

Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

WELCOME TO TERM 3: We warmly welcome all students, staff and community, to term 3. As you can see in our ‘Dates to Remember’ section, term 3 is again a busy term with many engaging activities for our wonderful students. We have our school DISCOS on August 2nd & 3rd and our school EXPO on August 25th.

GRADE 6 CAMP TO VALLEY HOMESTEAD: We received such positive feedback from both students and staff who attended the Gr6 camp to Valley Homestead in Ovens in the last 3 days of term 2. The engaging group activities that students participated in, enabled them to further develop their collaboration/teamwork skills. We would like to thank all the staff who attended this camp and in particular Stephanie Millan for her exceptional organisation of this event.

INTERVIEWS: Last night we held parent/teacher interviews. It was great to see so many families taking this opportunity to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their learning.

REPORTS: A reminder to those parents and carers who have not yet accessed their children’s semester 1 reports to please log on and download your report/s from COMPASS.

NAPLAN: The way National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) results are reported is changing in 2023. See note in this newsletter. Student individual results will be released from Monday 17 July 2023.


PANoahFor listening to the letter sounds when writing.3ADejanFor starting Term 3 with an amazing mindset. Well done Dejan for settling back into the classroom after the holidays.
PBNoahFor contributing to class discussions.3CBoyorisFor sharing his experiences and voice through his writing in an interesting and engaging way.
PCAbrahamFor always having a positive attitude towards learning.3ERayFor completing an amazing recount about his holiday activities.
PDMaryFor raising her hand and making great contributions to our class discussions.3FChristianFor completing an amazing brainstorm of his holidays and trying his best to stretch out the sounds of words.
PEIsabelleFor building her confidence to have a go at new tasks.3GHunterFor completing some amazing writing this week.
PFDeclan PFor doing a wonderful job at creating a bar graph.4AAalyaFor increased commitment to her take home reading. Keep it up!
1AAlexanderFor making a great start to Term3 with his positive attitude.4BPreetikaFor displaying a growth mindset in maths lessons, always trying her best.
1BTylerFor working hard in writing and having a go at spelling high frequency words.4CVictoryFor her excellent work during reading groups.
1CCatalaya   BakshishFor working hard in writing and having a go at spelling high frequency words.   For incorporating adjectives in his writing. Great job Bakshish.4DCharlotteHer fantastic effort in maths, using different arrays to show her multiplication knowledge.
1DThomasFor showing a growth mindset by working hard to improve his handwriting.4EEzee   AyubFor his huge effort he put into his writing.   For the growth in his reading from practising his goals. Well done!
1EAdamaFor adding adjectives and noun groups in her writing.5ASummerFor showing a positive mindset across all areas of your learning. Keep working Hard Summer!
2AJaiFor using text clues to make inferences.5BJustyceFor showing the school values at our Scienceworks excursion.
2BTimFor settling back into Melton South Primary school and showing school Values. Welcome back Tim.5CAlinaFor showing the school values at our Scienceworks excursion.
2CCharlieFor using a growth mindset when completing his project about guitars.5EAriel     JosephFor making wonderful growth in all aspects of her schooling.   For showing an interest in financial maths.
2DHenryFor writing lots of positive, bucket filling letters to his friends.5FAnabelleExcellent home reading over the holidays.
2EArvieFor his outstanding effort in Reading both at home and school.6APuleonoHis dedicated work ethic and his willingness to tackle learning challenges.
2FZethFor excellent work completing his work on Mass. Great hefting work.6BRayReading the mission statement for MY MATS to his class with wonderful expression.
PArtsLand 6A Divine 6E   Harrison 3FOutstanding contribution to class discussion in Performing Arts.   For using the Performing Arts word wall to contribute ideas to our anchor chart, “What makes a good actor?” Very Clever!6EPisonFor being a respectful and helpful House Captain during PMP this week.
STEAMJennifer 5CAlways maintaining a high standard of work.AP awardNoahHis excellent behaviour and amazing Art work.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBS  Ariah 4C
Cross 4C
Patrick 4C
Keira 4C
Logan 4C
Ameeah 4C
Matalix 4C
Nathan 4C
Jayden 4C
Rocky 4C
Victory 4C
Alfred 4D
Amity 4D
Aswad 4D
Jade 4D
Lavinia 4D
Mason 4D
Rowina 4D
Suad 4D
Dante 2F
Mehtaab 2F
Emir 3A
Dejan 3A
Naw Naw 3A
Jade 3A
Caleb H 3A
Trinity 3A
Tyler 3A
Maria 3A
Ahmed O 3A
Rithin 3A
Ousman 3A
Chase 3A
Caleb V 3A Hevani 3A
Liu 3A  
25 SWPBSTelina 1B
Tyler 1B Samantha 1B
Nikki-Leigh 1B
Ashtan 1B 
Anaya 2C
Ansharah 2C
Nityansh 2C
Kelly 2C
Sara 2C
Skylar 4C
Hope 4C
Gabby 4C
Rehmat 4C
Zakiah 4C
Noah 4C
Sera 4D
Ryder 4D
Rico 4D
Jemma 4D
Priya 4D
Farin 4D
Emily 4D
Diamond 4D
Chase 4D
Amara 4D
Charlotte 4D
Shayna 4A
Dominic 4A
Esther 4A
Zoe 4A
Aalya  4A
Kirim 4A
Ila 2F
Adalyn 2F
Riziki 2F Genoveva 2F June 2D
Eliza 2D
Trinity 3A
Rithin 3A
Ali 3D
Angelique 3D
Aurora 3D
Dhrithee 3D
Harmaheeal 3D
Prahlad 3D
Riynasser 3D
Samardeep 3D
Sean 3D
Taylah 3D
Tyler 3D
Ahmed 3E
Aila 3E
Kai 3E
Taeaolasi 3E
Connor 5F
50 SWPBS Danielle 2D 

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Media Arts
Students will explore… the Media arts and learn how artworks can represent the world and that they can make artworks to represent their ideas about the world. They will share their artworks with peers and experience being an audience to respond to others’ art making, becoming aware of structure, intent, character and settings in ideas and stories. They will explore ideas and learn about composition, sound and technologies to construct stories and learn how their ideas can be communicated through selecting and organising the elements of media arts.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Where I Live
Students will learn… about natural, managed and constructed environments and how they are formed by natural and human intervention. They will learn how features of these environments can change over time e.g. re-vegetated areas and new buildings.  Students will also investigate activities in the local area e.g. recreational and find them on maps as well as give reasons for their location. They will recognise that physical activities can take place in a range of different environments, including natural, built and aquatic settings.

Students will be reading and viewing… fiction and information texts, weather maps and viewing local maps (Google maps).

Students will write… a narrative text using one of the three environments as a setting.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Water
Students will learn…about the Water Cycle and how weather affects water (evaporation, conservation, condensation).

Students will be reading and viewing… explanation tests

Students will write… an explanation explaining how or why something happens.

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Australia and It’s Southern Neighbours
Students will learn… Australia’s place in the world and the unique features of Australia. They will locate and research features of Australia and other Southern Hemisphere countries.

Students will be reading… a variety of information texts to build understanding of Australia and its Southern Neighbours. They will be viewing short informative BTN clips and looking at artefacts from different cultures to support the learning. Students will be reading maps as well as geographical data and information. They will be identifying the Countries and Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia

Students will write… an information text in the form of a travel guide brochure.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Living in an Australian Democracy
Students will be learning… about how local government works.  They learn about the Melton Council and the services it provides for its constituents.  Students will learn about the election process for the Melton Council and how it relates to the election process for State and Federal Government.

Students will be reading and viewing… texts about local governments including online resources.   

Students will write… a Sequential Explanation text on a Melton local Government service or how to access the service.

Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Taking Care of Business
Students will explore… everyday money matters such as shopping lists, bank statements and personal budgets. Learning progresses to incorporate fractions and decimal algorithms into financial mathematics by investigating and understanding General Sales Tax (GST) in everyday purchases. Students will explore basic economic principles in terms of wants and needs. Through practical experiences and readings students will investigate influences on consumers and the resources that they consume.  

Students will research and write… a persuasive text on the importance of budgets and savings.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – We are Entrepreneurs
Students will … become entrepreneurs. Students will consider the dispositions of entrepreneurs and how these contribute to successful business enterprises.  They will learn about why businesses exist; how decisions consumers make have an impact on business and the way that businesses produce, market and distribute goods and services.  

Students will be reading and viewing… clips about entrepreneurship and investigate the entrepreneurial skills of successful people e.g. Bill Gates including Australian entrepreneurs.  

Students will write… an informative business plan based on a product/service they identify, including how that business has a positive impact on the environment.


P-6 Friday August 25th 2023

All grades will be performing in the gym, including 2 choir performances.
We hope you can come and join us.
There is no cost to the families to attend the EXPO.
Parents & Carers are invited into the classrooms to view art and work samples following/prior to performances according to session times.
We look forward to seeing you there.


To borrow books from our school library, you need to bring a bag (not plastic). This is to protect the books.
You have 14 days to read the books at home before returning them.
When you return your books, put them through the lolly jar slot before entering the library.
Remember to bring your library bag with you on your library visit day as you cannot borrow without one.
Library books personal borrowing is for pleasure reading, these books are taken home to read, try to keep your personal reading books separate to your classroom library books.

If not having a bag is stopping you from borrowing from our school library please speak to Mrs. Handley.


Dear Prep Families,

The students are about to hit a huge milestone, 100 days of school. We will be celebrating the day with lots of fun and exciting activities on Friday the 28th of July. This is a time to reflect on how far the students have come over the past two terms.

-Students will need to bring in a T-Shirt to school that they can decorate with paint and stickers. This will need to be at school no later than Monday the 24th of July. A white T-Shirt is preferred, however, it is not a requirement.

-As a treat, we will be purchasing some hot chips for the students. However, they will still need to bring their lunch on the day.

-Parents will be invited into their child’s classroom from 9-9.30am to help them put on their special T-Shirt and take a photo with their child.

A payment of $2 is required to help fund the activities. Your child’s classroom teacher will be collecting the money. Please pay this by Monday 24th of July.

A big thank you from the Prep Team for helping us ensure this will be a successful and memorable day for the students!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s teacher.

Upcoming changes to NAPLAN reporting

Ahead of NAPLAN results for students being released from Monday 17 July 2023, I’m writing to inform you of some changes to this year’s reporting.

These are changes being introduced nationally by the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

NAPLAN will continue to measure student achievement in numeracy, reading, writing, spelling, and grammar and punctuation but the results will now be presented in 4 proficiency levels: These are:
• exceeding
• strong
• developing
• needs additional support.

This change will give schools, parents and carers clearer information that details student achievement against new proficiency levels.

Students’ NAPLAN reports will continue to show how they are tracking against their peers and provide an indication of their skill levels against national averages and where we would expect them to be in order to get the most out of schooling. This provides valuable information to teachers about how we can continue to support your child.

Each set of NAPLAN results is an important milestone but it’s also important that students know that one result does not define them – these results are about making sure every student gets the support they need so they can continue to get the best from their learning.

When we provide you with your results, you will also receive information about what the new proficiency levels mean.

As ever, you’re welcome to speak to me, or your child’s teacher with any questions about these changes.

Angela Lanza,
Assistant Principal


Breakfast Club enables students at school to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, allowing them to engage and participate fully in all the educational and social opportunities that school offers.

It is held from 8.30am – 8.50am at BER Staff room entering through gate 2, Morsehead Street.

Please note that we encourage all students to eat breakfast before school. This program is to supplement families that may not be in the position to provide breakfast on that day.

Food provided will include, SPC diced fruit cups, toast with margarine and vegemite, full cream milk and fruits (apple/pears/oranges).

Please notify staff of any food allergies on the day. Parents can accompany younger students if required, but please note food is provided for school students only.