At MSPS we take sun protection seriously, and during Terms 1 and 4 it is a part of our uniform policy and SunSmart policy that all students wear a hat that protects your head, ears and neck.

Sunsmart Widget

As a Sunsmart school our students are learning about Vitamin D, the risks of over-exposure to sunlight, and how to be SunSmart by following the 5 steps: 1) Slip 2) Slop 3) Slap 4) Seek & 5)Slide

Over exposure to the sun presents a serious health risk. Students and Staff must therefore be educated as to the need for suitable sun protection, and protected from over exposure to the sun whilst at school.

A balance of ultraviolet radiation (UV) exposure is important for health. Too much of the sun’s UV can cause sunburn, skin and eye damage and skin cancer. Exposure to the sun’s UV is associated with an increased risk of skin cancer in later life. Too little UV from the sun can lead to low vitamin
D levels. Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and muscles, and for general health.

Further information on How Much Sun is Enough, can be viewed from the Sunsmart website here.

Every page on our website includes the Sunsmart Widget for our community, staff and students to refer to between late September – April. The widget is located on the right hand sidebar underneath our “Recent Posts” “Find Us” links.

Other resources:

Sunsmart Policy

Uniform Policy