Newsletter 21st July 2023

Friday July 21st 2023

Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

It is officially our 100th year celebration.   We have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:   We look forward to celebrating our schools’ incredible milestone with you this year!


PATongaFor contributing to class discussions.3CAmeliaFor drawing an amazing life like labelled diagram of a puma!
PBUriahFor demonstrating our school values.3FSkylabluFor working well in a pair to research the animals of Brazil.
PFAnthony PFor using a growth mindset to have a go at tasks on his own.3GSialeFor bringing her positive attitude to school and trying her best to learn the words for our EXPO song.
1AIndiFor showing our school value of respect and welcoming our new student.4AEstherFor always showing caring and kindness to all.
1BAllyria     Nikki – LeighFor excellent work on her reading goal. Well done!   For her great attitude and positive approach to all tasks.4BJayceFor his enthusiastic participation in his Reciprocal Reading group.
1CMason     AriFor showing a growth mindset and doing his best to improve his writing.   For always being a kind and caring member of the class.4ERosalieFor her beautiful work in her writer’s notebook.
1DAarnaFor working hard to improve her writing skills.5AIndieFor being a respectful and positive member of 5A who is always trying your best!
1ECooperFor using a growth mindset to have a go at tasks on his own.5BKaidenFor his calculations throughout our financial Maths unit.
1FAmelia     OrlandoFor using her knowledge of sounds to help her record unknown words. For using his knowledge of sounds to help him record unknown words.5C    JhettFor showing a good understanding of being able to calculate credits and debits on bank statements.
2ANgunFor an excellent use of number lines to solve subtraction problems.5DZahleeFor her effort and participation in class activities and discussions.
2BJasonFor settling into his new school Melton South Primary School and showing school values.5FBryleighFor an excellent effort with her ‘open cycle’ writing.
2CDominikFor an excellent effort when writing his recount about the school holidays.6ANateFor his positive & enthusiastic attitude towards learning.
2DArjun     WinterFor being a kind and welcoming friend to our new student.   For showing a growth mindset when facing challenging moments in the classroom.6EDakota     DivineFor having a positive mindset when placing fractions on a number line.   For confidently using a protractor to determine an angle measurement.
PENelohi 4EFor his effort when working as a team during our Invasion games unit.PArtsTrinity 3A Maria 3AFor excellent participation in Performing Arts.
STEAMAnnalee 5FFor her excellent lightbox work and positive attitude.LOTEAriel 5EFor being brave and willing to perform at the P-2 Assembly.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)  Name, Grade (2,3,4)  Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBS  Ansal 6E
Peta 6E
Samantha 6E
Azra 6E
Dakota 6E
Charm 6E
Thiep 6E
Jace 6E
Ivy 6E
AJ  6E    
25 SWPBSNadia 1D
Yusuf 1D
Xzavier 1D
William 1D
Ruby 1D Bodhi 1D
 Nu Mawi 5A
Summer 5A
Latisha 5A
50 SWPBS  Alex 5A
Richard 5A
Owen 5A
Mia 5A

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Media Arts

Students will explore… the Media arts and learn how artworks can represent the world and that they can make artworks to represent their ideas about the world. They will share their artworks with peers and experience being an audience to respond to others’ art making, becoming aware of structure, intent, character and settings in ideas and stories. They will explore ideas and learn about composition, sound and technologies to construct stories and learn how their ideas can be communicated through selecting and organising the elements of media arts.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Where I Live

Students will learn… about natural, managed and constructed environments and how they are formed by natural and human intervention. They will learn how features of these environments can change over time e.g. re-vegetated areas and new buildings.  Students will also investigate activities in the local area e.g. recreational and find them on maps as well as give reasons for their location. They will recognise that physical activities can take place in a range of different environments, including natural, built and aquatic settings.

Students will be reading and viewing… fiction and information texts, weather maps and viewing local maps (Google maps).

Students will write… a narrative text using one of the three environments as a setting.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Water

Students will learn…about the Water Cycle and how weather affects water (evaporation, conservation, condensation).

Students will be reading and viewing… explanation tests

Students will write… an explanation explaining how or why something happens.

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Australia and It’s Southern Neighbours

Students will learn… Australia’s place in the world and the unique features of Australia. They will locate and research features of Australia and other Southern Hemisphere countries.

Students will be reading… a variety of information texts to build understanding of Australia and its Southern Neighbours. They will be viewing short informative BTN clips and looking at artefacts from different cultures to support the learning. Students will be reading maps as well as geographical data and information. They will be identifying the Countries and Places of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples throughout Australia

Students will write… an information text in the form of a travel guide brochure.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Living in an Australian Democracy

Students will be learning… about how local government works.  They learn about the Melton Council and the services it provides for its constituents.  Students will learn about the election process for the Melton Council and how it relates to the election process for State and Federal Government.

Students will be reading and viewing… texts about local governments including online resources.   

Students will write… a Sequential Explanation text on a Melton local Government service or how to access the service.

Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Taking Care of Business

Students will explore… everyday money matters such as shopping lists, bank statements and personal budgets. Learning progresses to incorporate fractions and decimal algorithms into financial mathematics by investigating and understanding General Sales Tax (GST) in everyday purchases. Students will explore basic economic principles in terms of wants and needs. Through practical experiences and readings students will investigate influences on consumers and the resources that they consume.  

Students will research and write… a persuasive text on the importance of budgets and savings

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – We are Entrepreneurs

Students will … become entrepreneurs. Students will consider the dispositions of entrepreneurs and how these contribute to successful business enterprises.  They will learn about why businesses exist; how decisions consumers make have an impact on business and the way that businesses produce, market and distribute goods and services.  

Students will be reading and viewing… clips about entrepreneurship and investigate the entrepreneurial skills of successful people e.g. Bill Gates including Australian entrepreneurs.  

Students will write… an informative business plan based on a product/service they identify, including how that business has a positive impact on the environment.

School EXPO
P-6 Friday August 25th 2023 in school hours

All grades will be performing in the gym, including 2 choir performances.
We hope you can come and join us.
There is no cost to the families to attend the EXPO.
Parents & Carers are invited into the classrooms to view art and work samples following/prior to performances according to session times.
We look forward to seeing you there.

Book Club Issue 5

Orders are due in by Friday 28th of July.
You can order using the LOOP ordering system.
NO PAYMENTS to school.
 Online ordering only.


 Monday 31st July

On Monday 31st July we are celebrating fabulous France at school.
Come to school dressed in French colours or your favourite French fashion.
Remember it is Winter so dress warmly!
For Grade 3 – 6 we have a French performance from 11:30 – 12:30.
For Grade Prep – 2 we have some of our senior students performing at the assembly from 2:15 – 3:15
Joie de vivre!

Grade 2 upcoming EXCURSION

The Grade 2s have an excursion coming up, visiting the Melbourne Museum on Tuesday 29th August. Notes have gone out with students this week and the information is also available on the Compass app.
Permission and payment are due by Thursday 10th August.

Collect your Grade 3 & Grade 5 2023 NAPLAN REPORTS

New round of afterschool sports will be offered this term starting in week 4 and finishing in week 9.  Sign Up sheets will be handed out at school next Monday during Recess, so if you would like to participate in Soccer and Field Hockey please have your child meet one of the PE staff at the gym.