Newsletter 18th November 2022

EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS       November 18th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

BUSY WEEK: As you read through this newsletter you will see some fabulous children’s work in many areas of the school curriculum. The grade 6 students have definitely put a lot of effort into their Natural Disaster projects which were presented to the rest of the students in the school.

1923-2023: Below my report is one of the entries from a grade 6 student that we got made into a large banner promoting our centenary year. 2023 is fast approaching so we are busy planning activities. If you have any suggestions for events we could hold next year please email me:

We would love to hear your ideas.

STAFFING: Staffing remains an issue for 2023 across all schools. We are still in the process of interviewing teachers for next year. Next year our Specialist subjects will be: Physical Education, French, STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) and Performing Arts. We also hope to set up a 1923 classroom with desks, blackboards, inkwells so students not only learn about the history but actually get to experience it.

PREPS 2023: It was so good to welcome our future Prep students on Monday morning. There were some very excited children coming to the school for the first time. There are two more transition sessions. In the final session the students will meet their teacher for 2023, their classmates and know which classroom they will be in.

SAFETY: Please ensure that your children are using the school crossings coming to and from school. Last week there was an accident where a student was hit by a car after running across Exford Road and didn’t use the crossing. Both Police and ambulance were in attendance.

MESSAGE FROM MELTON CITY COUNCIL: Please be informed that it has been brought to our attention that unfortunately, some parents/guardians do not observe Road Rules on the school crossing.

Below are some example of breaches:

           Failure to stop and remain stationary at children’s crossing.

            Failure to stop at the stop line when a hand held stop sign is displayed, or a pedestrian is entering or on the     crossing.

           Proceeding after stopping when the handheld stop sign is still displayed.

           Proceeding after stopping while a pedestrian is on or entering the crossing.

           Passing a stopped vehicle at children’s crossing or pedestrian crossing.

Please remember the role of the School Crossing Supervisor is ensuring the safety of children and other pedestrians. Parents or guardians please encourage your children to use the correct procedures of safety at a children’s crossing, including the principles of Stop, Look, Listen, and Think as well as dismounting from bikes, skateboards or scooters to ensure safe passage.

A report has also been forwarded to Council’s Community Safety Officers to conduct active patrol.


PBSylvanusFor showing the school values and settling well into his new class. Welcome.3BJeremiah     AnnikaWriting a heartfelt Emotion Poem about loneliness.   Designing a very artistic SunSmart door knob hanger.
1CSudhiksha     RhykoFor making a fantastic animal habitat project.   For making a fantastic animal habitat project.3DFarin       AlfredFollowing our school value of ‘Respect’ by listening carefully and following instructions.   Your consistent approach in completing weekly homework tasks.
1DIsaac     AnsharahFor writing some fantastic facts about elephants in his homework.   For writing some fantastic facts about cats in her homework.3ECheyenne     ZoeFor writing an engaging cinquain poem.   For working hard to make good spelling choices when writing her emotions poem.
2CAkshara     Winny    For writing a fantastic poem about her family.   For writing excellent letters to her teachers.4BRenata       RocketFor using a growth mindset when completing  worded money problems during mathematics.   For being an active, respectful and valuable contributor in our class discussions.
2ASinaFollowing our school value of ‘Respect’ by listening carefully and following instructions.4CJamirhisFor Settling into his new school at Melton South Primary.
2BClaireFor her awesome efforts to practise and improve her reading goal.4DHeneryFor giving effort in attempting money problems during maths.
2DOraibFor following the procedure of writing an information text. Well done!4FLoganWriting some great Acrostic poems and including language choices that match the theme.
LOTENigita 6AFor having all the correct answers on the French quiz, as well as using her communication strategies. 5ADionteFor respectful behaviour during class discussions.
5BIuliaFor writing an excellent diamante poem about a dog.
STEAMTamrah and Eliza 6B  Consistently being helpful, kind and studious in class5CChesterFor being able to order decimals in ascending or descending order.
PESamuel 5B   Angela 6FFor his anticipation and defensive movements in volleyball.   For her determination when playing in a badminton tournament.5ENathaniel       RodaFor showing the school value of ‘Respect’ to all his peers both in the classroom and in the yard.   For settling into school well and making friends.
6DIsabelleFor always demonstrating our school values.5FBodeyFor always making an effort to do his best.
6EKenshinFor making a positive social start at school with new friends and classmates6BSavannahFor her detailed explanation on how a cloudburst forms during our Expo.

Please return ALL Library books to school as we begin our Library stocktake.

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Moving and Grooving

Students will learn… to participate in dance and drama through movement, sound and performance.  

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… about the purpose of poetry and some different structures. The students will explore colour and free verse poetry in the classroom. They will become aware of the impact of poetry on the mood or emotions of the readers. 

Students will write…colour and free verse poems using the formats studied in the classroom.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Express Yourself – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse, Alphabet poems and Concrete poems.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse, Emotion and Cinquain poetry. They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. This is particularly important when writing poetry with syllable rules such as Haiku, Cinquain, and Tanka.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free Verse, Haiku and Acrostic poetry.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. This is particularly important when writing poetry with syllable rules such as Haiku, Cinquain, and Tanka.

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse and Diamante poetry.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – Australian Poetry

Students will learn… that the bush ballad, bush song or bush poem is a style of poetry and folk music that depicts the life, character and scenery of the Australian bush.  They will study the works from the old masters such as Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson.  The students will learn about some of Australia’s modern Australian poets such as Col Wilson. They will learn that Bush ballads usually have a simple rhyme structure. They can be funny or sad. The words used are colourful, colloquial and Australian. They tell stories of action and adventure about bushranging, droving, droughts, floods, life on the frontier, and relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Students will write…responses to literature.


Our STEAM team is very proud of our talented Grade 6 students who were demonstrating their robotic engineering skills. This week they were building rubbish grabbing inventions! Many of these students have been frequenting the STEAM room at lunchtimes. It is heart-warming as teachers, to witness their enthusiasm.

Danait, Eliza, Tejas, Pascal, Rama, Prince, Emma, Maddie, Aarav, Long, Danny, Samar and Elisese

GRADE 6 NATURAL DISASTERS EXPO Last week, over the 9th and 10th of November, the Grade 6s presented their engaging projects on a variety of Natural Disasters to display their learning in Investigations for the first half of the term. Many students worked extremely hard on researching their chosen disaster- creating posters, dioramas and interactive displays as a major homework assignment. Grade 6 students also wrote several explanation texts during class time about how natural disasters such as Heatwaves, Avalanches and Volcanoes occur to support themselves in their speaking presentations.   Grades ranging from Prep to Grade 5 booked in times to visit one of the six grades and the feedback both on the day and afterwards was extremely positive. Students asked a variety of questions to the Grade 6s and the environment of sharing learning and celebrating hard work was wonderful to see across all of our Grade 6 classrooms. The Grade 6 teachers would like to thank all of the grades and staff who visited, our families who supported their students in completing their homework and to our Grade 6s themselves for all their hard work.   Landslides By Taniesha Student Feedback:   “I loved Diamond’s volcano because he could make it explode!”  – Diamond   “I loved all of the presentations because they were all beautiful and colourful” –  Sommer   “I really liked all of the volcanoes because they really looked cool and they had lava” – Wyatt   “JJ’s presentation about earthquakes looked beautiful” – Sam   “I liked all of the tornadoes presentations because they had a loot of detail and knowledge” – Sera   “I liked James’ work about volcanoes because he had a lot of features and detail” – Raiden   Earthquake model showed how bad the disaster can be” – Jasper   I liked it because it told us about Tsunamis and had lots of details” – Paige   “I liked the tornado farm because there were pigs in it” – Kayleigh   “I liked the volcano with the little bugs on it.”  – Levi         “I really liked the sinkhole where the car was about to fall. There was lots of detail” – Rose   “I liked the one with the avalanche made out of cotton balls with miniature trees covered in snow” – Sajida   “I liked the blizzard it was beautiful” – Saggu   “The student who made the sinkhole was able to answer my really tricky questions like how are sinkholes formed – it was to do with limestone and water.” Connor   The erupting volcano was really cool. It was really cool to see what happens to the volcano. – Inara   I liked to see what happens to the water in our environment. – Maddison   The bushfires looked so real. – Rylan     Teacher Feedback:   Tylers’ Earthquake – Had lots of detail in his diorama and was very informative” – Mrs Honey “It was good to meet the Grade 6 students. The students loved seeing the hard work. It was nice to see so many students take pride in their work” – Mr Tandurella “Students were excited and motivated to share their work. Grade 2 found presentations engaging and informative. You could feel the sense of pride in their work” – Mr Redmayne “It was great to see all of the hard work and thought that went into these projects. The cyclone and Volcano were particularly impressive. We liked seeing the different presentation methods” – Miss Theodorou  
Grade 3B EMOTION POEMS    Grade 3 are analysing different types of poetry and creating their own poetry. Last week we wrote some Emotion Poems using the structures and features of this type of poetry.
  Grade 3/4 Cricket Gala Day   On Friday the 11th of November, a select group of students headed over to Arnolds Creek Reserve, to take on the best cricketers in the district, in an action packed, day of Super Eights cricket. Our students ranged in experience, with a few of the girls not knowing what cricket actually was a week earlier. But wowee, once the games started the reverse sweeps, leg breaks and run outs started to flow.  Despite a rain delay and an apprehensive Wanda McDonald (not sure she knew much about cricket before Friday) both the mixed team and the girls team came away from the day as district champions. Well done on your achievements Melton South Primary School cricketers, you have set a high standard for the basketballers to emulate this Friday.