Newsletter 25th November 2022

EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS       November 25th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

CAMPS:  We have three camps on next week, Grade 3 /4, Grade 2 and Grade 1. I have checked the weather forecast and it looks good for all three camps. The students are all very excited as for many children this is the first opportunity they have had to attend a camp.

UNIFORMS: There are so many jumpers in lost property especially in the gym. If your child has lost their school jumper please check the blue tubs outside the gym.

VIRTUAL TOUR: This morning we have a company here filming some classrooms, specialist classrooms, canteen, library, chicken shed, playgrounds etc. This will be put on our website so that future students and parents can see Melton South Primary prior to starting. It will also assist students with ASD and our EAL students.


PAOmarBeing a confident, hard-working and wonderful member of Prep A!3BSera   Sommer  Her excellent use of vocabulary in her cinquain poems. Her improving ability to work independently in her learning.
PBHanaGreat understanding of subtraction problem solving skills in maths.3CJapleen  Her well-structured and interesting cinquain poems.
PCAriahAssisting those who need a helping hand, well done!3DLavinia     CrossWriting a very thoughtful letter to a past MSPS student.   Being a caring and supportive peer by assisting others in the classroom and outside in the school yard.
PEYusufFor demonstrating his understanding of addition during our problem-solving lesson.3EAalya     EstherFor using multiplication to work out the area of irregular shapes.   For providing evidence when making text to self-connections.
PFLilyFor always being a caring and supportive member of Prep F by looking out for her peers.4ALucas LFor his enthusiastic contributions to class discussions.
1CRyderFor adding intricate details in animal habitat project.4BGhazala       MassonFor showing a great deal of respect, kindness and support towards a new class member.   For using a growth mindset when working on the jump strategy in mathematics.
1DLiamFor adding great details to his colour poem!4COnge     ShuraimFor using his jump strategy when solving subtraction problems.   For writing an amazing acrostic Poem about Camp.
2BJadeFor her kindness and care that she shows towards her peers in 2B.4DJoshua       JosephFor using a growth mindset when working on maths problems using the split strategy.   For showing kindness and respect towards his peers in the classroom.
2DJordynFor always being kind to others in her classroom.4FNatalieA fantastic effort in her poetry writing this week, including a range of poetic language techniques in her poetry.
2FRowen     TaeaolasiFor working hard this week in all areas. Well Done, Rowen!   For always trying hard at everything she does. Well Done Taeaolasi!4GCharlotteFor being brave and overcoming her fears.
6BSavannahFor being an active participant in our discussions about Australian Ballads.5ASophie     AidenFor working hard at reading and smashing goals.   For his consistent participation in Solvemoji numeracy problem solving.
6CElijahFor his consistent participation when analysing Australian Ballads.5BGraceSigning a poem in Auslan.
6DMaddiFor her emotive poem writing.5CJosephFor showing great improvement in his reading.
6ESaigeFor demonstrating resilience in the Grade 6 to Year 7 Workshop.5ESophie     AriamFor settling into MSPS well and making strong friendships.   For being a kind and considerate student.
LOTEFrancis 4GFor his amazing effort in all areas.5FDivineFor creating an excellent poster about the Artic Fox.
STEAMKaylee      4F for displaying creative thinking and problem-solving skills when building her bridge.   

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Moving and Grooving

Students will learn… to participate in dance and drama through movement, sound and performance.  

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… about the purpose of poetry and some different structures. The students will explore colour and free verse poetry in the classroom. They will become aware of the impact of poetry on the mood or emotions of the readers. 

Students will write…colour and free verse poems using the formats studied in the classroom.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Express Yourself – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse, Alphabet poems and Concrete poems.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse, Emotion and Cinquain poetry. They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. This is particularly important when writing poetry with syllable rules such as Haiku, Cinquain, and Tanka.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will learn… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free Verse, Haiku and Acrostic poetry.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work. This is particularly important when writing poetry with syllable rules such as Haiku, Cinquain, and Tanka.

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Poetry

Students will… to analyse and appreciate poetry as a form of expression that evokes an awareness or emotional response to an experience through the language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.  They will learn how poets use words and literary devices to create imagery and effect. They will learn that poets use sentence structure, grammar and punctuation for impact. 

Students will write… Free verse and Diamante poetry.They will learn to choose language for effect, to move words and phrases and to consider alternative punctuation and engage in the processes of drafting, editing and improving their work.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – Australian Poetry

Students will learn… that the bush ballad, bush song or bush poem is a style of poetry and folk music that depicts the life, character and scenery of the Australian bush.  They will study the works from the old masters such as Banjo Paterson and Henry Lawson.  The students will learn about some of Australia’s modern Australian poets such as Col Wilson. They will learn that Bush ballads usually have a simple rhyme structure. They can be funny or sad. The words used are colourful, colloquial and Australian. They tell stories of action and adventure about bushranging, droving, droughts, floods, life on the frontier, and relations between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.

Students will write…response to literature.

  Grade 6 Assisted Transition Workshop with the Big Sister Program     On Monday 21st November a group of Grade 6s took part in a whole-day workshop aimed at supporting them with the transition from Primary School to Secondary School.   We were introduced to our presenters, Kritz, Charlotte and Meera and heard about their starting high school experiences. We did a lot of moving and fun activities that helped us to think about our apprehensions and worries about starting high school.   We also talked about Mental Health and how it’s a bit easier to see physical changes and not mental health changes in our lives. We learned some strategies on how to ground ourselves when we are feeling anxious like using our 5 senses. We did a wellbeing check-in task called the Wheel of Life. We coloured in a score from 0-10 and then we thought about what we are doing well and what we can do to help the number go higher.   We ate some fruit for a brain break and practised some organisation skills including filling in a diary. We learnt about why it is so important to be organised in high school, with different classes and movement between lockers and different places in the school.   We talked about friendships, including good character traits, buddy battles (when you can have a small argument with your friend but it can get better if you talk about it) and we were given some steps on how to deal with a friend who is being mean on purpose. We did roleplays to practise our short respectful comments to stop a conversation and move away from a mean person.   Lastly, we talked about SMART goals to help us start High School, including two personal goals like “make a new friend” and two learning goals.   Our wellbeing team, teachers and ES staff all found the day to be incredibly beneficial for our students. Some of the topics were challenging for some participants however everyone got a lot of information out of the day. The presenters were engaging and our Grade 6s showed our school values by listening respectfully and participating in all of the activities.    
Mental Health and Wellbeing Did you know we have a Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub in Melton?                      This is the information about our local hub and its services.   Cohealth 195 Barries Road, Melton VIC 3337 Walk-ins available   Mon 10 am to 4 pm Tues 10 am to 1 pm ·         Mental Health & Wellbeing Hubs can help you with a range of different issues, including lowered mood, anxiety, substance use or addiction, or any distress you may have.         The Hubs can also support people to address life stressors such as homelessness, financial difficulties and social isolation. ·         If you’re having a difficult time or are feeling overwhelmed, you can call Tel. 1300 375 330 to have an initial discussion about your needs or you can drop by one of the walk-in services. ·         You do not need a referral from a GP or health professional to access support through a Mental Health & Wellbeing Hub. ·         All support is free and available to everyone of all ages right across Victoria. ·         In an emergency where there is immediate risk of harm to a person, call Triple Zero (000). For 24-hour crisis support, call Lifeline on Tel. 13 11 14

Girls Growing up Fast

 Things have changed in the post pandemic world.

Most girls get their first period when they’re 12 or 13 years old, which is about 2 or 2½ years after they begin puberty. But some get their periods as early as age 8 or 9. There is evidence that since the pandemic, the number of girls starting puberty very early has greatly increased all over the world. At school we have seen a large increase in girls experiencing early periods, often in grade 3 or 4. This means we need to start these sorts of conversations earlier than might have been expected. Girls can be scared if they don’t know what’s happening. Doctors also may be able to offer treatment to some girls if they think it is appropriate. Please start having these conversations to prepare your child for the future.

For more information this is a helpful link:


Bonjour a tous,

Grades 3 & 4 have done some super work on food and drink! Such a fun topic, we were able to make a range of simple statements by substituting new words and colour adjectives. Our students have been using their research skills to find out about national/regional foods in France. They have applied their preference statement skills to order the sentences correctly and say what foods they like and dislike. Bravo les enfants!

Preps have enjoyed learning about pets and how to say pet names. We are looking forward to getting a class pet next year. C’est amusant!

Grade 5 – Biological Science – Animal Adaptations

The Grade 5s have been learning about animal adaptations. Many living things need to make adaptations in order to survive. An adaptation is defined as a physical or behavioural feature of an animal that helps them better survive in their environment. In other words, an adaptation is something on their body or something they do with their bodies that help them find food, water, mates, and shelter.