Newsletter 11th November 2022

EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS     November 11th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

Djerriwarrh Festival: It was pleasing to see so many families representing Melton South Primary at the parade last Saturday. When I arrived, I could see in the distance a group of children sitting waiting for the parade to start. I thought what well behaved children they were. When I got closer I realized they were our students. So very proud. The children were all dressed so colourfully and it was great that so many parents walked with us.

Thanks also to all the staff who were in attendance so we could have an entry in the parade. While walking it was also pleasing to see so many of our other students representing other groups, sporting teams, dance groups etc.

Camps: Preparation is well underway for the upcoming camps in Grade 3 /4, Grade 2 and Grade 1. Again, we are relying on staff to volunteer to supervise these camps or they would not be able to go ahead.

SunSmart School: As we are an accredited SunSmart school all students need to wear a navy broad brimmed hat at recess and lunch breaks, and for Physical Education sessions.

Outside classes: When walking around the school this week, it was great to see some staff and students utilising outside seating areas for teaching and learning. A grade 5 class was under the canteen in the fresh air having their maths lesson.

Early arrivals: Just a reminder that the gates do not open until 8:35, I have seen students here at 7:30 when I arrive. It is far too early, even if teachers are here they are preparing for the day.


PBStevi-JayeExcellent understanding of problem solving in maths.3AMoizFor using his knowledge of Zones of Regulation to help regulate his emotions.
PETelinaFor using a growth mindset while using the writing process.3BDiamond   Jaydenbeing an excellent role model in learning. his positive attitude towards learning.
PFOliverFor making some excellent improvements in his writing.3CZakiah   AyubFor using engaging vocabulary to express emotion when writing his poem. For his fabulous ‘’emotions poem titled ‘Mad.’
1BAriahHaving a growth mindset and having a positive attitude towards her learning.3DRyder   DengWriting an engaging emotion poem on ‘Happiness’. Using your knowledge of letters and sounds when writing unknown words.
1CAlekFor showing respectful behaviour during class discussions.3EAnselFor using engaging vocabulary to express emotion when writing his poem.
1DRowanFor excellent work on our fraction task.4AAnnalee     DiorFor her persistence when tackling challenging problem-solving tasks in maths. For always helping her fellow classmates. Well done!
1EZion   GenovevaFor a fantastic start at Melton South PS   For always helping to keep her classroom clean.4BLuca   Nu Mawi  For his persistence when working on a challenging problem-solving task in maths. For always displaying respectful behaviour during class discussions and group work.
1FHunter   KorbynFor excellent work in understanding half of a collection. For his effort and persistence in completing an information text in writing.4FKayleighAn informative and entertaining persuasive text on the Hawksbill Sea Turtle.
2BAli   Ella-RoseFor always being a caring and respectful student. For her amazing efforts with her money tasks this week.5AFelix   SkylahFor his respectful behaviour during class discussions. For completing an informative poster on electricity.
2DLoganFor making good learning choices during class time.5BHonourFor writing a biography on Ash Barty.
2ETua   JadeFor showing excellent persistence completing problem solving activities. For working well to complete a persuasive text about Melton.5CPuleonoFor showing a great understanding of solving unlike fractions!
PE  Owen Yates     Zen (PC)  For keeping his racquet horizontal during both his forehand and backhand strokes. For being able to successfully perform a punt kick.5EAbdullah   AyaanFor his wonderful leadership during our ICT assignment. For being a considerate and inclusive student.
5FNienkeFor persevering to add fractions with different denominators.
ARTAvah Azzopardi Prep AFor being a kind, caring and helpful classroom member in the art room.6ASarahFor her effort to produce a fantastic model of a sink hole in our natural disaster’s unit.
LOTE    Marshall 4D    For his perfect French pronunciation and being a great helper in the classroom.    6B6B   TomaszExtraordinary dioramas and posters for this week’s Expo. Job well done! For a creative fire tornado with great information attached.
STEAM6B Danny 6B Makayla  Consistently high achievements in STEAM.6CCynthia     JahaanFor demonstrating all of our school values during our excursion to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX. For using visual and audio prompts to inspire her story titled ‘If Only.’
Assistant Principal AwardAnisa Jahaan Nagahesi AdonyaHer outstanding project on Volcanos. Her amazing project on Avalanches. His outstanding project on Flooding. His creative project about Volcanos.6EHailey   ShalomFor her focus and commitment to improving her writing on Volcanoes For demonstrating our school values during our excursion to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX and enjoying the experience outside of school.
EALAsaku 5B   Zephaniah 2AWorking hard on her reading skills in EAL group sessions. Excellent progress in EAL group sessions.  6FCooper    For being an outstanding community citizen on our IMAX excursion handing in a lost phone.    

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Author Study Pamela Allen

Students will learn… about Pamela Allen and her work. They will learn how to respond to the books written by Pamela Allen, focusing on the themes and characters. They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on her work.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Living Things Adapt

Students will learn… that living things (plant/animals) adapt in order to survive. These adaptations may include features, behaviours, diet, habitat.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Our Place

Students will learn… about the geography and history of their local area. They will become familiar with the purpose and use of globes and maps to identify a hierarchy of locations and the connections people have to them. Students will learn about their local area and the special connection that the Aboriginal community has to it. They will learn about the people and places of historical interest in the local community and the significance of particular sites today. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Living Things

Students will learn… about living things and once-living things. They will investigate and describe living things – mammals i.e live births, reptiles i.e. egg laying, marsupials, monotremes, birds. Students will investigate Australian animals that have become extinct and describe how other Australian animals are on the Endangered Species list. They will understand how the actions of people can affect animals, and the efforts being made to help endangered species..

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Australia’s Place in the World: Sustainability

Students will explore conservation and sustainability issues in Australia and around the World.  They will investigate the role of vegetation around the world and the impact of habitat destruction due to land clearing and mining.  Students will also investigate how humans can make a difference to the environment by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. 

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Civics and Citizenship

Students will… explore the Nine Values for Australian Schools and the values and attitudes expected of an Australian citizen.  They will understand the process to become an Australian citizen and the rights and responsibilities of that citizenship. Students will investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together for the benefit of the community. They will understand the concept of being a global citizen through the investigation of a global issue and the Australian government and other governments responses to that issue.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – What a Disaster!

Students will learn… how environmental characteristics such as climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places. They will relate this to how some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places and gain an understanding of the application of the principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness as ways of reducing the effects of these hazards. The students will explore how decisions and actions influence the way spaces within places are organised and managed. They will be able to explain the types of natural disasters and how they are managed around the world, with those that occur in Australia. The students will identify the purpose and usefulness of information gained from primary and secondary sources such as fieldwork, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and reports.

We would appreciate your support in returning ALL Library books to school as we begin our annual Library stocktake.

Grade 6 Excursion to the Melbourne Museum and IMAX   On Monday 7th November our Grade 6s visited the Melbourne Museum and watched a documentary on Extreme Weather on the massive IMAX screen. We were accompanied by Ms Manolis, Mrs Mann, Mrs Millan and Megan Fraser, in addition to our Grade 6 teachers. After arriving in the heart of the city, we spent the first two hours viewing several galleries, including the Rainforest Walk, Dinosaur Walk, Dynamic Earth and Bugs Alive! displays. We ate lunch in the lush green Carlton Gardens in view of the fountain and historic old Melbourne Museum Building. Our Grade 6 students showed our school values, were well-behaved and extremely friendly towards other schools and visitors to the museum. Here are some reflections from our students about the day:   “The second exhibit we saw was the bugs alive exhibit. There were hundreds of different bugs/insects and it made me feel grossed out because I hate bugs. I got to see how an insect sees me, I also got to smell fly poop and I saw different tarantula sheddings. Something I learnt from this exhibit was how different bugs/insects evolve and grow.” – Kylahn 6F   “We really enjoyed the movie. The movie was about natural disasters and extreme weather and that’s what we’ve been learning about at school. There was a part about glaciers and there is one in Alaska that is melting really quickly. When a big chunk of ice breaks off a glacier it is called Calving. It was a good experience with our friends to see” – James M and Vendhan N, 6E   “This experience was such a great time, since we are doing our natural disasters project. I felt really focused and enjoyed that time looking at historic items. This experience reminded me of the time when I had gone to Science Works in Year 2. Reading the captions had made me realise all about our history and how interesting it is.” – Merveille 6F  
Grade 4 Threatened and Endangered Species Incursion. Grade 4’s had a very exciting incursion last week to celebrate our learning from our ‘Australia’s Place in the World’ unit. Reptile Encounters brought some of Australia’s threatened and endangered animal species to visit us. We got to touch, hold and learn lots about these wonderful native animals, and how we can all do our part to protect them in the hope we will be able to save these species from becoming extinct. We met an Olive Python, Carpet Python, Yellow-spotted Monitor, Black Cockatoo, Eastern Barred Bandicoot, Turtle, Frog and even a Crocodile!               
Grade 5 Melbourne City Experience Grade 5’s had a very exciting excursion last week to celebrate our learning from our ‘Civics and Citizenship’ units. We started the morning with clear views from Melbourne Skydeck where we watched helicopters fly beneath us, found landmarks such as Flinders Street Station and all of the sporting venues, and braved the outside area feeling the breeze from very high up! We then walked kilometres (too many if you ask the students!), and saw many historical sites of Melbourne. These included the site of Fawkner’s Hotel, Marvellous Smellbourne (where everyone used as a toilet before the sewage system), Hosier Lane, some beautiful arcades and finishing off at Parliament House.

Vinnies Soup Van Street service in Melton.


6:00pm – 6:30pm Melton town centre- Amphitheatre – Palmerston St.

Fruit and vegetables

Non-perishable pantry items


Soup, sandwiches and hot food

7:00 – 7:30pm Melton Station Square Shopping centre – 11-25 Station St Melton South

Vinnies Welfare Assistance 1800 305 330 (Monday-Friday 10am-3pm)

Grade 3 and 4 Campaspe Downs Camp   Grade 3 / 4 Camp is fast approaching and all completed medical forms are required back to your child’s classroom teacher by this Friday 11th November. Thank you. Mrs Visser and Mrs Bennett Camp Co-ordinators                          

Book Club Issue 8 orders are due back by Thursday 1st of December.

You can order using the LOOP ordering system. NO PAYMENTS to school, online ordering only.


Bonjour toute le monde,

This week in Grades 5 & 6, have been learning how to construct the verb table for the word naitre (born). We have been using the subject, auxiliary verb, past participle of ‘naitre’ and the date to form sentences such as ‘he/she was born…’ We used the sentence structure of Il est ne le… and Il est mort le… to talk about the past famous French People. For example, voici l’empereur Baplean. Il est né le 15 août 1769 et mort le 5 mai 1821 (This is Emperor Napoleon. He was born on the 15th of August 1769 and he died on the 5th of May 2021).

Grades 3 & 4, we have been learning about the Le chien très gourmand story. Students have been using the vocabulary that they can remember to share their opinion about different food items such as J’aime les fraises and Je n’aime pas les cornichons. We have also practised hand-washing technique all together in the classroom while repeating the phrases lavez-vous/séchez-vous les mains. C’etait amusant! Merci et à la prochaine!

Djerriwarrh Festival

‘Celebrate today, imagine the future’

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Djerriwarrh Festival Parade on Saturday the 5th of November!

A positive and bright future was celebrated showcasing MSPS students wearing rainbow clothes. The children also waved pom poms, which were made by students and families at a community workshop. Student’s looked amazing representing MSPS’ diversity, togetherness and equality to the Melton Community.

Have you applied for your Get Active Kids voucher yet? Victorian families with a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card can apply for up to $200 to support their child’s sport and active recreation activities. Find out more at