Newsletter 28th July 2023

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.

Friday July 28th 2023


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

NAPLAN: The results for students in grade 3 and 5 who did NAPLAN testing earlier in the year can be collected by parents from the school office.

PARENT SUPPORT: Parents please encourage students to report any issues or concerns to staff so we can deal with it. The safety of our students is very important to us all. We will continue to have a whole school focus on this.

EVENTS: As you can see by the diary dates we have many events coming up over the next few weeks. They include 100 days of school for Prep students, French incursion and dress up day, discos over two nights and the grade 1 excursion to Animal Land.

BROOKFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL (interim name): The new Brookfield school will be opening in 2024. It will be zoned as all government schools are in Melton. To find out if you are in the zone google Find my School, type in your address, select enrolment year and select primary school. If you then decide to enrol your child/ren at the new school please email me via the address below. 
As your child/ren are already enrolled at MSPS they can continue at our school. if that is what you choose to do. If you do decide to enrol at another school and you are not in our zone then you will be unable to re-enrol.

2024: We are already planning for 2024 so if you know your child/children will be moving to another school next year please advise the school via email: 
We are currently taking Prep enrolments for 2024, please see the office staff for more information.

It is officially our 100th year celebration. Saturday October the 21st will be our Open Gala day! Loads of activities, food trucks and displays will be around the ground on the day. Keep an eye out for more information closer to the event We have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:   We look forward to celebrating our schools’ incredible milestone with you this year!


PAJacqueFor being a model student, always displaying our school values.3BBaindu  For her amazing dancing skills during our Expo rehearsals.
PBLiailaFor trying her best in reading groups.3CQuedessaFor her efforts on improving her learning across all areas, including maths.
PEMahliaFor always displaying kindness by sharing with her peers.3DRiynasserFor listening and following instructions during Grade 3 sport.
PFMazharFor working hard to learn his numbers.3EZephaniahFor his excellent and enthusiastic dancing skills during our expo practice.
1AAriannaFor settling into her new school at Melton South Primary School and learning and displaying our school values.3FZaroonFor copying and pasting images off google as part of your project on Brazil independently.
1BSamanthaFor working extremely hard on her reading goal of thinking about the author’s choices.3GHannahFor completing some amazing work on her Powerpoint about Madagascar.
1CAriahFor showing a growth mindset in writing simple sentences.4AShoniyGreat examples of symmetry in maths.
1DTenzinFor always being so kind and helpful towards her teachers and classmates.4BSemisiFor his enthusiastic participation in our investigation unit on local government.
2ARowanFor his excellent work making and telling the time.4CSkylarFor always putting 100% effort into all tasks that you complete. Keep up the great work!
2BElaineFor settling into her new school at Melton South Primary School and showing the school values.4DJadeFor a fantastic effort in writing, following the explanation text structure for her text ‘How to be a responsible pet owner’.
2CNiaFor working extremely hard on her reading goal of summarising.5ANu MawiFor making a fantastic effort and working super hard on creating a fantastic script for your commercial.
2DTyrenFor always showing kindness to his classmates.5BRayaanFor using persuasion and innovation in his advertisement.
2EAkesaFor her editing her explanation text and adding linking words.5CHarshikaFor creating a script to use to create a commercial.
2FAlexisFor writing a great explanation about how ice melts.5DSamrahFor consistently showing the school values and being a positive member of class.
STEAMDetroit 3F Isaac 3FFor being inventive and taking risks when creating solutions to problems.5FSummerFor an excellent effort with her advertising poster.
PEPA – Aubrey       4A – MaddisonFor demonstrating to her peers how to aim at her target when performing an overarm throw.   For providing feedback to her teammates on how to move to get past defenders.  6ASkyla   NienkeHer quiet determination to succeed in all learning. Her positivity and her organisational skills.
6BMaisonFor displaying the school value of CARE  in the yard.
LOTELilly-Jade 1AFor being an enthusiastic learner and always participating in class.6DPrabhFor always showing a positive attitude and being supportive.
   6EBiakFor attempting to add and subtract fractions with the same denominators.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top of the ladder they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)  Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBS  Abiha 3B
Hunter 3B
Don 6E  
Rayaan 5B
Veda 5B
Dionte 6E  
Chezare 5B
Layla 5B
Charlotte 6E  
Francis 5B
Romy 5B
Nadrietta 6E  
Tyler 5B
Elli 5B
Pison 6E   
Zavier 5B
Ruby 5B
Xiaotai 6E  
Noah 5B
Amber John 6E  
Zaw Si 5B  
Kaiden 5B
Kaylee 6E   
Justyce 5B
Ariam 6E   
Ana   5B Divine 6E   
Chole 5B
Lebron K 5A 
Astar 5B
Henery 5C
Jordan 5C
25 SWPBS Wania 3B
Harrison 3B
Lanah 3B
Ella Rose 3B
Stella 3B
Mason 4D
Kayleigh 5A
Connor 5F
Kirat 5F  
50 SWPBS Taribo 3B
Amelia 3C
Quedessa 3C
Kuea 3C
Abubakar 3C
Jemma 4D
75 SWPBS Aleef 3C
Asui 3C
Kaydan 3C
Krish 5A

School EXPO

P-6 Friday August 25th 2023 (during the school day)

All grades will be performing in the gym, including Specialist performances.
We hope you can come and join us. There is no cost to the families to attend the EXPO.
Parents & Carers are invited into the classrooms to view art and work samples following/prior to performances according to session times.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Book Club

Book Club Issue 5 orders are due in by Friday 28th of July.
You can order using the LOOP ordering system.
NO PAYMENTS to school, online ordering only.

French News

Bonjour tout le monde.
We are super excited to say we will once again be celebrating French day at our school on Monday 31st July.
On French day, the school canteen gates will be opened at 2:20pm for the assembly and French performances. We will have some of our senior students performing at the Junior assembly. Below is the rundown of our show.

2:25pm – 3:10pm
Australian National Anthem
French National Anthem
Song Bonjour mes amis (whole school)
Announce singers/fashionistas.
Fashion parade /Singing- ‘On écrit sur les murs’ (3.08 mins)
Soccer skills and Ramenez la coupe à la maison (Bring the cup home song).
Wakka Wakka dance
Mime magic
Diddipop music “Merci” & performers: Mademoiselle, chat, chien, waiter, baker
Student of the week
Secret teacher and dismissal

We are looking forward to seeing staff and students coming to school dressed in French colours – bleu, blanc, rouge or their favourite French fashion.
😊  Remember it is Winter so dress warmly!

Number Talks

A number talk is an opportunity for students to communicate their mathematical thinking. They are encouraged to use mathematical vocabulary and share different ways a problem could be solved.
Solve the problem below as a family and discuss the different ways (strategies) each person solved the problem.

A student went to the MSPS disco. They bought some chicken nuggets and glow sticks.
How much money did they take to disco?
How many glow sticks and nuggets did they buy?

Share your thoughts and mathematical thinking with Mrs Millan and Mrs Dockeary, by placing your families answers in the black letter box in B Block.

Link to calendar of multicultural events celebrated widely in Australia.


Celebrate our Centenary with a keepsake! We are taking pre-orders to ensure we have enough products, and items will be on sale during the Gala Event on October 21st, 2023. Items will be available for pre-order between Monday, July 31st and Friday, September 1st 2023. Log into Compass to place an order for Centenary Celebration Orders.

Our second and final round of Centenary Brick Pavers will also be available to order from Monday 31st July to Monday, October 23rd.