Newsletter 15th June 2023

Thursday June 15th 2023


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

PLANNING WEEK: This week all teachers have been planning units for term 3. This included literacy, numeracy, and investigation units.

EXFORD PRIMARY SCHOOL SUPPORT: Along with other Melton Network schools we have been supporting Exford Primary School by sending Education Support staff, teaching staff

and an Assistant Principal to assist their school community.

GRADE 6 CAMP: We have 100 grade 6 students attending a camp at Ovens, Valley Homestead next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. They are all very excited.  We are very grateful to Positive Start who have funded this camp, bus, accommodation, food, and activities.

FATHERING PROJECT: We are looking forward to the Puzzles and Pizza being held between 5:30 and 7 pm. If you didn’t send back a form to attend this session we will be having more sessions next term.

STUDENT VOICE: I am having regular meetings with student representatives to discuss issues that are important to them. They have had input into the Centennial Gala Day, uniforms and their ideas for improvement across the school. When we discussed the Fathering Project they suggested a mother and children night as many mums work and don’t have the opportunity to come to school during the day.

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.


In October we will be holding a Centenary Gala Day. Please keep an eye out for more details at the beginning of Term 3.  You can also join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


1CMeerub   KaylaFor doing her best in writing simple sentences. For showing a growth mindset in learning her letters and their sounds.3BHarrisonFor his great use of problem-solving skills during our LED maths lesson this week.
1EJosephFor recording sounds and writing a sentence independently.3CAbdulFor always working to a high standard and extending himself during mathematics tasks.
1FArcherFor recording the sounds he hears when writing.3EYsabellaFor being engaged and listening attentively during our Matt Cosgrove session, and drawing an amazing pirate alpaca!
2CSahibFor displaying a growth mindset during our mathematics lesson using a calculator to help create counting patterns.3FEmmie     ZaroonFor drawing a unicorn alpaca during our Matt Cosgrove zoom as part of Education Week! For using his initiative during reading to use resources in the classroom to help with completing tasks.
2DSavannahFor working hard to write all the sounds in her words while writing a terrific story about a zoo.3GLeahFor being engaged and listening attentively during our Matt Cosgrove session, and drawing an amazing pirate alpaca!
5ALebronFor showing a positive attitude towards all his classwork especially in the area of his Math.4ARachelFor using great multiplication strategies when problem-solving.
5EZavier   JannahFor showing the school value of ‘Respect’ during class discussions. For showing a growth mindset during mathematics lessons involving addition.4BRaiden     IbrahimFor his amazing efforts in writing to independently edit & revise his First Fleet cause and effect text. For being a kind and caring classmate. Keep it up!
LOTEFaith 3GFor creating a brilliant poster with a beautiful message in French.6ATaaniFor achieving his Peer Leadership Badge!
EALJack (Prep A)For his great effort, understanding animals book putting his knowledge into drawing a beautiful picture.6EArian   AnsalFor writing a detailed introduction for his historical recount on ‘The Gold Rush’. For her excellent concentration while completing her Essential Assessment.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBSJoseph 5E
Dakota 5F
Masson 5F
Maharlia 5F
Guni 5F
Summer 5F
Laghuvi 5F
Latisha 5A
Jamirhis 5A
Ben 6A
Ryan 6A
Puleono 6A
Aiden J 6A
Crispin 6A
Chester 6A
25 SWPBSSyrus 3C
Spencer 3C
Alex 5A
50 SWPBSKrish 5A


On Tuesday the 13th of June the Grade Three students participated in a state-wide Zoom call facilitated by the State Library of Victoria featuring Matt Cosgrove and Eva Amores as part of the Book Bash where students were able to learn about how a good illustrator comes up with their ideas to engage their readers. There were over 300 schools that participated! Students drew characters such as Macca the Alpaca and Justin Chase from The Worst Week Ever and were able to ask questions about how Matt gets his inspiration and how many books he has illustrated.