Newsletter 8th June 2023


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

PRINCIPALS CONFERENCE: On Monday I attended the Principals Conference at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. There were several guest speakers and workshops presented by schools from around the state. I came away with ideas we can implement at Melton South Primary.

PUPIL FREE DAY: Just a reminder that this Friday the 9th of June is a pupil free day. Teaching and Education Support staff will be working on-site.

Marilyn Costigan

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.


From Term 2 onwards we will be holding other events to celebrate our Centenary milestone. We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary.  You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


PDOliviaFor sharing a great retell of the problem and solution in the story Rapunzel.3BElla-RoseFor her increased enthusiasm for reading both at home and at school. Keep up the hard work Ella.
PFIndigoFor demonstrating her understanding of length in our problem-solving lesson.3FPatrick       KatarinaFor being a role model in our Library sessions and for regularly completing his weekly homework.   For changing your dot points about the similarities between Christmas and Hanukkah into meaningful sentences.
1ALoganFor showing a growth mindset and demonstrating resilience when in his split class. Well done!3GJackFor using his imagination to create a great brainstorm for Investigations. Well done Jack!
1BTobiasFor working hard on identifying addition and subtraction fact families.4AMadisonFor showing a growth mindset in her learning.
1CMason     XiaoranFor showing resilience in writing simple sentences. Awesome effort Mason.   For always doing his best in all learning tasks. Great effort Xiaoran.4BNevaehFor her amazing growth in reading. I can see how hard you are working. Well Done!
1DJashmigaFor working hard on learning how to make fact families using addition and subtraction.4CMatalixFor always contributing to class discussion. Keep up the good work!
1EElizaFor adding interesting adjectives in her writing.4DRyder   LaviniaFor his super effort in balancing addition and subtraction equations.   For being a positive role model and consistently displaying our school values in all areas of her learning.
2BSummerFor being a great helper in class, helping her peers and being a great role model.4EYusuf     NelohiFor writing an incredible text on the First Fleet (in your first week at our school!).   For consistently showing respect in the classroom.
2CLavinFor creating an excellent crayon drawing of a wombat during our 1923 classroom art session.5AVanessaFor being consistent with your attendance and making a huge commitment to your learning. Well done Vanessa!
2DMalakaiFor always showing a “can do” attitude in class.5BDanielFor working hard to improve his reading strategies and seeing improved results.
2EShubhFor his great effort during our lessons in the 1923 classroom.5CJordanWriting a simple sentence about France in a detailed descriptive text.
2FRizikiFor writing an informative hypothesis about our skittles experiment.5DBraxFor working hard to improve his writing and maths and showing a growth mindset.
PArtsAiden 6A     Jennifer 5CWriting a good blues lyric in Performing Arts.   For her dedication and enthusiasm towards her blues project in Performing Arts.5ENatalieFor her presentation and poster on the Cook Islands.
PETyler 3FFor his enthusiasm and positive growth mindset during the orienteering unit.5FLaghuviFor using effective strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems.
LOTEFaith 3GFor creating a wonderful poster with a positive message in French.6AFeletiFor his positive attitude towards learning and others.
STEAMThyrone 5E     Harshika 5CFor showing a positive attitude towards his learning in STEAM.   A quiet achiever with consistently high standards of work.6BInaraFor wearing a smile and having a positive attitude every day!
   6EThiep     RodaFor being able to demonstrate transformation of an object during Maths.   For being able to demonstrate transformation of an object during Maths.


Book Club Orders can be made online only through LOOP.
       Issue 4 Orders are due back Friday 9th June 2023.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder by following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding Day on their token acknowledgment chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding Days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBSHitesh 1B
Tobias 1B
Tiarna 1B
Ruby 1B
Thomas 1D
Saahib 1D
Bodhi 1D
Jashmiga 1D
Yusuf 1D
Georgia 1D
Nadia 1D
Ricky 1D
Aarna 1d
Logan 4C
Jade 4D
Mason 4D
Callum 2D
Connor 2D
Sadie 2D
Dante 2F
Mehtaab 2F
Kayleigh 5A
Jamirhis 5A
Tyson 5D
Mason A 5D
 Jett 5D
 Josh 5D
Jackson 5D
Vidit 5D
 Haiyan 5D
 Zaharah 5D
Lumande 5D
Lucas 5D
 Lillie5 D
 Dior 5D
 Vaai 5D
 Nina 5D
Mason S 5D
Noah 5D
Sukhman 5D
Joseph (5E)
Persephone 5F
Annalee 5F
Chelsey 5F
Jai 5F
Cianna 5F
Marshall 5F
Connor 5F
Emerald 5F
Nina 5F
Indiana 5F
Logan 5F
Cainen 5F
Kirat 5F
Anabelle 5F
25 SWPBSAdelina 1B
Lilly 1B
Adele 1B
NiNi 1B
Kit 1B
Tekaai 1D
Sophia 1D
Tenzin 1D
Hope 4C
Rehmat 4C
Skylar 4C
Lavinia 4D
Genoveva 2F
Mia 5A
Dontay 5A
Lachlan 5A
Anha 5A
Kaylee 5A
Inoke 5A
Scarlett 5A
Indie 5A


Melton South Primary had a special visitor this week, Michael Minas from LOVE Maths. He has been supporting our teachers in the area of Problem Solving and has visited many grades this week. Our students are always super excited to spot Michael in the yard, as they are very familiar with his YouTube channel where he shares fun maths games.

The teachers at MSPS are currently on the second year of their journey to improve student engagement in Math, through the solving of real-life problems. They are creating questions that are challenging, yet fun for students to solve. Students are being encouraged to solve problems utilising a range of strategies, and to articulate their mathematical thinking and reasoning.


The Minister for Education wrote to the school on May 24th, 2023 advising that $21.3 million has been allocated to Melton South Primary School to plan and undertake construction works on a new capital works project.

The letter from the Minister advised that the scope of our project was to upgrade and modernise your school including classrooms and staff buildings, main classroom wing and to build a new classroom block.


We are seeking your input so please click on the survey link and have your say in guiding the school’s planning direction.
The survey closes on Tuesday June 13th.

Thank you,
Jenny Dockeary

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE – Information for Parents         


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school camps, excursions and sporting activities ensuring that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.

This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount is $125 for primary school students.

2023 CSEF Application forms are available from the school office or on Compass.

Please ensure that forms are fully and correctly completed in legible writing, incomplete applications may not be processed. You also need to present your current Health Care Card to the office for photocopying.

For more information about CSEF visit:


Another term has flown, and our students have created some creative artworks with wonderful results. Our theme for this Term has been ART.

Grade Preps are continuing to experiment with cutting pasting, colour mixing and drawing. Most of their work centred on symmetry and collage. They have created some beautiful butterflies and insects while learning about symmetry and anatomy. They are currently learning that the three primary colours are red, yellow and blue and when you mix two of them together, they form the secondary colours, orange, purple and green.

Students from Grade One have made some collaged magical monsters, marvellous moveable fish, painted autumn leaves, woven paper blankets and made Mexican eyes from wool.

Grade Two are learning about how pendulums can use force to move objects when creating a spiral artwork. They have explored the science behind their painting while creating a background for it. This week they will be completing their final work.

Grade Three have learnt how to use tint, tone and shade to create a monochromatic self-portrait. These will be displayed at our Junior Archibald Exhibition later in the year. The children added lettering to their works to describe their own special qualities.

Grade Four students have researched Australian geographical landmarks and turned them into sculptures by layering paper shapes on top of each other supported by zed shaped tabs.

Students from Grade Five has made some stained-glass windows from cellophane and paper as design protypes for the destroyed windows at Notre Dame.

Lastly, Grade Six students have made self- portraits inspired by Banksy using hand cut out stencils from laminating sheets then printing them. They are currently adding text to add another layer of meaning to their work. These will also be displayed at our Archibald exhibition.

The STEAM team have had a busy and inspiring term and are looking forward to another term of exciting fun!