Newsletter 2nd June 2023

Friday June 2nd 2023


FUNDING: The Victorian Government is investing record funding in our schools to make Victoria the Education State and give every student access to a great local school and education.

Our school has been allocated $21.3 million in the School Upgrade Delivery Fund to upgrade and modernise our school including classrooms and staff buildings, main classroom wing and to build a new classroom block. This is an exciting time for our community. We will work closely with our School Council and the Victorian School Building Authority (VSBA) to deliver an outcome that will benefit the entire community.

To prepare for the upgrade, we will complete an Asset Management Plan (AMP) over the next 11 weeks. The AMP is a long-term document that helps to plan for a school’s future. The plan identifies, organises and prioritises the building works required at a school – ensuring students have access to educational facilities that prepare them to thrive in the 21st century. This will help ensure our building plans support our educational direction and long-term vision for the school.

We will be sharing updates on this and will be running some sessions to gather input from our teachers and staff as well as parents/carers and surrounding community. We will also involve our students to listen to their unique and very important perspective.  We will share further details about information sessions and a survey we would like you to fill in. For further information please contact the school via email:

PARENT HELPERS: I have had feedback from some parents who would like to assist with reading in the classrooms. We will be conducting a parent information session in the next couple of weeks, date to be advised.

LOST PROPERTY: We have so many jumpers in lost property that do not have names on them. If they are named, we can return these to the children.

ASSEMBLIES: I went to the Prep -2 assembly on Monday. It was a pleasure to see the students all together, singing our school song, acknowledging the students of the week and listening to Mrs Kelly’s grade 2 singing and signing “I am Australian”.


We are the kids from Melton South,
We are the best without a doubt,
We love to work, run and play,
School is great in a special way.
There’s tolerance, care and honesty,
Fairness, respect and responsibility,
Cooperation and when the day is done,
Fulfilment through learning is really fun.

Marilyn Costigan


Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.


From Term 2 onwards we will be holding other events to celebrate our Centenary milestone. We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary.  You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


PAGavinFor listening to his sounds when writing new words.3BOliviaFor her amazing growth in reading. I can see how hard you are working. Well Done!
PBAbdisalamFor settling into our classroom and giving everything a go.3CXavierFor being an excellent role model sitting on the floor, listening and following instructions
PEJelynaFor displaying leadership skills during small groups.3DAurora   OfaFor assisting your peers when skipping during Grade 3 Sport. For your effort and enthusiasm during Reading sessions. Keep up the great work!
PFNoah-JaxsonFor using a growth mindset when completing learning tasks.3EKathleenFor her continued growth in reading. Keep working hard!
1CAriah     MarleyFor showing a growth mindset in completing her ‘fact family’ activity. For showing resilience when completing learning tasks.3FTye     ChristianFor using his knowledge of partitioning to subtract two-digit numbers! Super work. For bringing a growth mindset to class this week and attempting all tasks independently.
1DXzavierFor applying himself to improve his decoding skills and fluency in reading.3GMiracleFor her using her growth mindset to solve addition and subtraction problems using partitioning.
1EJoycefor improving decoding skills and being persistent.  4AJivteshFor a great introduction to his cause and effect written piece on the First Fleet.
2BConnorFor his amazing efforts in writing about Spiderman 2 and using noun groups in his writing.4BMoudy         SarahFor his enthusiastic contributions to class discussions on our Investigations unit on the First Fleet. For always offering to help others, being a kind and caring member of our class.
2CAnsharahFor her hard-working effort when creating her subtraction think board in mathematics.4CGaberillaFor her outstanding improvement on her addition test. Well done!
2DNoahFor being an excellent ICT helper when we were learning to copy, paste, save and use Word documents!4EJack   ZainabFor his amazing drawing of the First Fleet ship, “The Alexander” For settling into her new grade with a positive attitude.
2EAmeliaFor always being a helpful member of our classroom.5AKayleighFor outstanding improvement in all areas of your studies. Keep working hard!
2FAdalyn   PeytonFor great work on her transport projects on planes. For producing an excellent Slideshow on trains for her transport project.5BRubyFor her effort and research in creating information texts on different countries.
PArtsLiam 2B Fano 2CExcellent dancing in Performing Arts5DMasonFor his amazing country poster and presentation. Well done!
PEAlyssah     Avinoor (Prep F)For her positive feedback to groups about their gymnastics routine. For trying her best during our gymnastics unit. Well done!5EOngefor showing enthusiasm when researching countries of the world.
STEAMJacobi  6DOutstanding skills in STEAM.  5FMarshallFor a fantastic homework project on a country.
LOTEJett 5DFor answering all the questions correctly in French.6AIangHer positive and ‘can do’ attitude towards her own learning.
6DWillowFor increased contributions to class discussions.6BElFor making a wonderful Black-footed Ferret habitat.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder by following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding Day on their token acknowledgment chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge. Here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
SWPBS 10Krystal (2F)
Levi (2F)
Azarius (2F)
Zainab (4E)
Tristen, Agam, Samuel, Haylee, Ray, Shehbaaz (6B)
SWPBS 25Navnoor (2F)
James, Xavier, Abdullah, Xander (3C)
Annika (4B)
Noah (2D)
Savannah (2D)
Ghazala, Jasper (5E)
SWPBS 50Asui (3C)


Added security for Compass
OTP Login for Mobile App
Forgotten passwords will be a thing of the past with our latest update to the Compass app. Users can now log into the Compass app with a one-time passcode using their mobile number or email address. This feature removes the need for a password, increases data protection and improves the app experience for parents and carers.Learn more by clicking the link below.



FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE – Information for Parents         

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school camps, excursions and sporting activities ensuring that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.

This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount is $125 for primary school students.

2023 CSEF Application forms are available from the school office or on Compass.

Please ensure that forms are fully and correctly completed in legible writing, incomplete applications may not be processed. You also need to present your current Health Care Card to the office for photocopying.

For more information about CSEF visit: