Newsletter 26th May 2023


Friday May 26th 2023

Message from the Principal

Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

I received this news from the Hon. Natalie Hutchins MP this week.
I am delighted to confirm that Melton South Primary School will share in the $24 million School Upgrade Delivery Fund. This will provide funding to begin planning and design work for the election commitment project announced last year of $21.3 million to upgrade and modernise your school including classrooms and staff buildings, the main classroom wing and to build a new classroom block. 
Planning is the critical first stage of every capital works project and commencing this process now allows you to plan the project ahead of funding for the construction phase being allocated in a future state budget.

FUNDRAISING FOR EXFORD PRIMARY: Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of students, families, and staff at Melton South Primary we raised $2,500 on Tuesday for Exford Primary School. I heard many heart-warming stories of children emptying their money boxes etc.

LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP: I know the students from Melton South Primary at the Lightning Premiership today will show great sportsmanship and teamwork in the three sports – football, netball, and tee ball.

Mrs. Costigan

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.

May 26th is National Sorry Day. At Melton South Primary school we remember and acknowledge the mistreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed from their families and communities, which we now know as ‘The Stolen Generations’. This date carries great significance for the Stolen Generations and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


At the Grade 3- 6 assembly this week Mrs Costigan let students know that there will be a big celebration coming up in October for our centenary. Please keep an eye out for our advertising and spread the word for the event close to the date! We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary.  You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


PDSamuelFor writing the sounds that he hears in words. Well done Samuel!3BZoyaFor working super hard on her reading and writing and seeing amazing results.
PEBenFor working hard at making good choices during class time.3CAsuiFor always putting care, effort and neatness into her class work.
PFSarhidFor working hard to participate in learning.3DHarmaheealSharing your thoughts and opinions respectfully during class discussions.
1AMarlaFor achieving an amazing 94 nights of reading!3FHarry  For using the partitioning strategy when solving addition problems.
1BLeonardoFor working hard super hard with your high frequency words and achieving all your triangle words.5AInokeWorking super hard in reading. Your growth you have made and the effort you have put in towards your reading goals is super! Well done!
1CEvie   OliverFor showing resilience in writing her autobiography about her life. For showing 5-star behaviour during class time.5BJoshuaFor writing an information text with interesting information about Liberia.
1DTekaaiFor using number lines and diagrams to solve subtraction problems. Great thinking!5CLewisFor showing resilience when faced with difficult situations.
1EJyrahFor using mental strategies to solve subtraction problems. Well done!5EThyroneFor his impressive research of countries from around the world.
2AAliFor his enthusiasm when practising his letters and sounds every day.5FAnnaleeFor being a role model and assisting others in the classroom.
2BAlexFor his amazing writing of an information text about hot air balloons.6ESamanthaDesigning a creative habitat, out of paper, for an endangered animal.
2CZaideFor writing an excellent recount about the grade 2 train excursion to Bacchus Marsh.6EHarvir    For being able to clearly explain the differences between two forms of government in his compare and contrast essay.
2DPiula     TysonFor writing an excellent recount about the grade 2 train excursion to Bacchus Marsh. For sharing his thoughts and opinions respectfully during class discussions.PE Paige 6D  For collaborating well in her group to create and rehearse her gymnastics routine.
2EJacksonFor writing an excellent recount about the Grade 2 train excursion To Bacchus Marsh.PEJeanine 2BFor showing improvement when completing static shapes during gymnastics. Well done!
2FLeviFor showing great improvement in his readingSTEAMJack 6DCongratulations earned for showing a growth mindset with his “Banksy” project.


After School Sports
There are still plenty of spots left for After School Sports this term 3:30-4:30 in the gym. Monday: Lawn Bowls Thursday: AFL    

Walk Safely to School Day Congratulations to all those students and families who participated in Walk to School Day on Friday 19th May.
Well Done to the following classes who had the most walkers:  
1st Place: 6A
2nd Place: 5A
3rd Place: 5C  


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBSMehnaz, Levi, Nandar, Ghazala, Ariel, Rose, Thyrone, Jasper, Atif (5E)
25 SWPBSLarissa, Amelia, Flynn, Spencer, Kuea, Manveer, Asui, Boyoris (3C)Mia 5A

FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE – Information for Parents         


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school camps, excursions and sporting activities ensuring that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.

This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount is $125 for primary school students.

2023 CSEF Application forms are available from the school office or on Compass.

Please ensure that forms are fully and correctly completed in legible writing, incomplete applications may not be processed. You also need to present your current Health Care Card to the office for photocopying.

For more information about CSEF visit:

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Traditional Fairy Tales

Students will learn…about the place of traditional tales in cultures and some of their characteristics such as the opening sentence of ‘Once upon a time’, the ‘magical’ aspects of the stories and the type of characters in those stories e.g. princesses and princes. 

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Author Study: Allison Lester

Students will… about Alison Lester and her work.  They will learn how to respond to the books written by Alison Lester, focusing on the themes and characters.  They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on her work.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Author Study: Jackie French

Students will learn… about the author, Jackie French and her inspiration to write books. They will investigate closely her craft including language choice such as figurative language and sentence fluency. choice of illustrations, common themes across multiple books, and connections to the author’s own experience. Students will learn to construct questions with different stems (what, how, when, why) to match a given range of answers, for example retelling a Jackie French story.

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Living Together: Celebrations and Commemorations

Students will explore…the history and diversity of their community and the celebrations and commemorations, symbols and emblems important to aboriginal and non-indigenous communities, including Remembrance Day, ANZAC Day, Mabo day, Reconciliation Week, Sorry day, Djerriwarrh festival (relating the name to reconciliation), Harmony day, NAIDOC Week. Students will think about their own cultural traditions and where they come from. They will reflect on the impact of their own values and cultural practices on intercultural experiences, and build an understanding of the importance of mutual and self-respect.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – First Fleet

Students will learn… about the voyages of discovery and about the factors that influenced Britain’s decision to settle Australia.  They will learn about the range of crimes and the reasons behind the crimes committed by men, women and children that led to their sentence and deportation. They will read about the experiences of the convicts and marines during the voyage of the first fleet and the hardships experienced during the first years of attempting to settle in Australia’s harsh environment.  They will consider the perspectives of both the European settlers and Australia’s indigenous people during this time.  They will consider the influences of the past that have shaped Australia as we know it today.

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Author Study: Gary Crew

Students will… delve deeply into the life of the author, Gary Crew and his body of work. They will be able to make connections between the author’s life and his work as well as make personal connections between their own experiences and those of his characters. The students will focus on the themes, characters, and writing style in Gary Crew’s books.  They will understand that an author’s writing style describes how the author uses word choice, sentence structure and figurative language to establish mood, images and meaning in the text. The students will learn how to use Gary Crew’s work as a model for their own writing.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – Australia as a Nation

Students will… continue their study of Australia from colonisation covered in Grade Five to the development of Australia as a nation, particularly after 1900.  They will examine significant events and people, explore factors that led to Federation and understand the significance of Australia’s British heritage and the Westminster system.  The students will learn about the way of life of people who migrated to Australia and their contributions to Australia’s economic development, including the status and rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

Grade 2 Train Excursion to Bacchus Marsh

Despite the terrible Melbourne weather, last week the Grade 2 students participated in a very exciting excursion where they caught the V-line train to Bacchus Marsh (some students had never caught a train before so this was extra special!). They ate their snack, played on the adventure playground, and ate delicious sausages for lunch. Some very lucky Grade 2 students even got to experience the life of a train driver and explore the train driver’s area!


LOCAL EVENTS for further information log on to or call 03 9747 7200