Newsletter 12th May 2023

Friday May 12th 2023

SCHOOL PHOTOS: On Wednesday and Thursday we had school photos taken. Yesterday our 925 staff and students went onto the back oval and lined up in the shape of 100 to celebrate our centenary. A drone went over the students to take the photos. We are all looking forward to seeing that photo as well as the students’ individual and class photos. 

STUDENT VOICE: I had the pleasure of  meeting with student representatives from Grades 5 and 6 on Tuesday. They explained to me how all grades had voted on classroom goals and what they had put in place to achieve these goals. We will be meeting on a regular basis. I asked  them to meet with the students in their grade to see if there is anything they would like to see happening on our Centennial Gala Day in October.

SWIMMING PROGRAM: Today is the last day of the swimming program for our grade 4 students.

We had a phone call from a member of our community who was at Genesis when our students were having their swimming lessons. She wanted to let us know how good our students were, listening, following instructions, and having fun. She also commented that often people contact to make complaints but don’t necessarily ring to let you know how good something was.

SCHOOL NURSE: On Tuesday we had a visit from the school nurse to see some of the students in the Prep area whose parents had signed permission forms for this to occur.

SMILE SQUAD: The planning room is temporarily the SMILE SQUAD room. It is pleasing to see how many families are taking the opportunity for free dental checks for their children.

 Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.


From Term 2 onwards we will be holding other events to celebrate our Centenary milestone. We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary.  You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


PAEllaFor showing a good understanding of more and less in maths.4ARubyfor trying hard to be a role model in class. Congratulations
PCAmanatFor persisting when faced with challenges and implementing teacher feedback.4BJapleenFor being a positive and encouraging student of 4B.
PEHenryWorking hard at stretching his sounds during writing.4CLoganFor trying extremely hard in his F & P testing and moving up reading levels. Well done Logan
PFSiennaFor always contributing in class discussions.4ETamaraAlways showing the school’s values at swimming – well done!
1BKitFor being a respectful and caring member of the class.5ALucasFor being a positive and encouraging student of 5A. For always trying his best in all areas of curriculum.
1CMeerubFor always showing a growth mindset and achieving her writing goal. Well done Meerub!5BAgamvirFor actively participating in class discussion across all subject areas.
1DSaahibFor reading with fluency and expression on high level grade 1 texts.5CDylanFor leading a discussion about Canada when learning about different countries.
1EBrooklynFor being a respectful and caring member of the class.5DBellaFor participating in class discussions and completing her weekly homework.
1FJeremiahFor always trying his best in writing.5FChelseyFor being a wonderful student voice representative for our class.
2CFano       DevanFor her excellent participation and enthusiasm when visiting our 1923 Classroom.   For being a positive and active learner during our maths tasks.6AChesterFor his enthusiastic learning about the structure of government in our investigation.
2DHunter     ElizaFor showing a growth mindset in Maths sessions!   For using an amazing expressive voice when reading!6BInara MaddisonLeading the caramelized fruit activity
2E(Ali) Muhammad AliFor his continued efforts during Reading and Writing.6DWillowfor increased contribution to our team.
2FNathanielFor trying his best to practise his handwriting.6ENidishfor converting ml to litres successfully during maths.
3BWaniaHaving a great work ethicPArtsJazmin Caifa 2E Amelia Kearney Richardson 2E Indie Wilson 5AFor doing everything well  in Performing Arts with no fuss   Using a growth mindset to improve her speed at changing chords on the ukulele.
3DTylerYour effort and enthusiasm throughout all tasks this week.PEKaylee 6EFor her participation and enthusiasm during Athletics Day. Well Done!
3ECatherineFor always having a go and contributing to class discussionsSTEAMOlivia 6AA high standard of work for her stencil.
3FEvie-Rose   JordynFor being a caring and helpful member of the class. For being a thoughtful reader and making connections between texts.LOTEHarvir 6EFor putting extra effort into his work.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBSEthan  1D
Serenity   1D
Ruby   1D
Jamila   1D
Xzavier   1D
Lucas   1D
Meltony  1D
Tilly  1D
Malakai, 2D
Samantha, 2D
Josh, 5D
Nina, 5D
Matilda 5C
Paige 5C
Jennifer 5C
Rithika 5C
25 SWPBSTenzin 1DPiula, 2D
Tyren, 2D
Ngun 3F

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – My Place is Special

Students will learn… about their special places and those of the Wurundjeri people. They will explore and identify special places in their house, their school and their community.  They will also learn about the Wurundjeri Country boundaries.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Past and Present (History)

Students will… develop their knowledge and understanding of how the past is different from the present. They will learn about the continuity and change in family life by comparing the present with the past. Students will learn about the differences in family structures; how people are related to each other in families including the kinship relationships of the indigenous people. They will also learn about how clothing, toys, school and communication have changed over time.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Wheels in Motion (Transportation)

Students will learn… about the changes in transportation over several generations by comparing past and present objects and photographs, and discussing how these changes have shaped people’s lives. They will identify the different types of transportation used locally, nationally and internationally and how they meet the needs of specific communities. They will examine ways people can keep themselves safe on the road, in the water and online.  Students will also participate in Science experiments showing the forces of push and pull e.g the push and pull forces on a parachute. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – The Brothers’ Grimm Author Study

Students will learn… that a fairy tale is a short story often involving magic and legendary deeds. They will recognise that the fantastical characters found in a fairy tale include elves, fairies, witches and dragons. Students will investigate the Brothers Grimm and be able to identify their stories in the fairy tale genre. They will explore the actions of characters in stories over time to determine the values implicit or explicit in decision-making and what may cause personal values to be questioned.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Dreamtime Stories

Students will learn… that the Dreamtime is the aboriginal understanding of the world, its creation and its great stories. It represents the time when the Ancestral Spirits progressed over the land and created life and important physical geographic formations and sites. Students will learn that Dreamtime stories have been handed down through the generations and are not owned by individuals but belong to a group.

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – The World and Australia

Students will… identify and learn about the major countries of Europe, North America and Asia.  They will research data to identify the proportion of the Australian population who were born in these regions. The students will research the connections between Australia and the Asia region e.g. trade. They will identify the regions where indigenous people live and appreciate the similarities and differences. The students will create and interpret flow and thematic maps to investigate the environmental and human characteristics of the regions studied. 

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – Australian Democracy

Students will… compare and contrast democracy and other forms of government around the world.  They will learn about Australia’s structure of government and the rights and responsibilities of a citizen. We will be reading texts from P.E.O. website and viewing YouTube and BTN clips on parliamentary processes.

Grade 2 Train to Bacchus Marsh
In week 4 the Grade 2 students will be catching the V-line train to Bacchus Marsh where they will eat their snack, play on the adventure playground as well as playing some ball games, and have a sausage for lunch. Students are able to bring their own lunch, if they wish. Then they will catch the V-line train back to Melton. The cost per student will be approximately $4.

Grade 2 in the 1920s
This week 2D was able to experience life at school in the 1920s. Earlier this week we learnt about what school was like back in the 1920s and were amazed at the lack of technology and what that meant! No ipads, no TVs, no laptops, not even a school bell over the loudspeaker!

Just like back in 1920, we checked our fingernails, teeth and hair to see if we were clean, practised having a straight back and walking with a book on our head, wrote our name with chalk on chalkboards in fancy handwriting, recited our 9 times tables (while Miss Taylor pointed at the blackboard with a long stick!) and read a poem about Elves from the 1920s grade 2 reading book.


Well done to all Grade 5 and 6 students who competed at our House Athletics Carnival last week (4th May). There was a high level of skill and sportsmanship on display and of course, great House spirit!

Congratulations to the following students who received medals for their efforts:

Natalie (5E) Cochrane House athletic champion
Richard (5A) Arthur House athletic champion
Charlotte (6E) Cahill House overall champion

Congratulations to Cahill House for winning this year’s House Athletics! 

Well done to students who participated in the MPSSA Round 1 Winter Sports and good luck to those participating in the MPSSA Round 2.


Breakfast Club enables students at school to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, allowing them to engage and participate fully in all the educational and social opportunities that school offers.

It is held from 8.30am – 8.50am at BER Staff room entering through gate Morshead Street.

Please note that we encourage all students to eat breakfast before school. This program is to supplement families that may not be in the position to provide breakfast on that day.

Food provided will include, SPC diced fruit cups, toast with margarine and vegemite, full cream milk and fruits (apple/pears/oranges).

Please notify staff of any food allergies on the day. Parents can accompany younger students if required, but please note food is provided for school students only.