Newsletter 4th May 2023

Thursday May 4th 2023

Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

PARENT CONCERNS:  If you have any concerns regarding your child the first step is to make an appointment with their classroom teacher. If needed, then make an appointment with a member of the principal team, with myself, Mrs Jenny Dockeary, Mrs Stephanie Millan, Mrs Angela Lanza or Mrs Natalie Sadler. Please remember we are all here to work in partnership with parents to meet the needs of all students. “Everyone has the right to be respected” applies to staff and parents as well as students.

PAYMENT FOR EXCURSIONS: As you can see in the diary dates we have so many events happening this term. We must stick to payment deadlines, booking numbers for buses, numbers for venues etc all have to be supplied by a certain date. We need to have a certain ratio of staff to students if we are leaving the school so to add numbers after the due date of the excursion is not possible.

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.

From Term 2 onwards we will be holding other events to celebrate our Centenary milestone. We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary.  You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:  


PAMiaShowing different ways she can make the numbers to 10.3ATrinityFor always having a positive mindset and working conscientiously at all times in the classroom. You are a fabulous role model for the rest of the Grade, Trinity.
1ACrystalFor welcoming our new student3BHunterWorking super hard and independently this week on all set tasks.
1CZaher       KuolFor displaying a growth mindset in adding numbers to 10. Great job Zaher!   For displaying a growth mindset in adding numbers to 10. Super effort Kuol!3C       3DXander       SamardeepFor his efforts in making positive choices and completing class work enthusiastically this week.   Assisting your peers when skip counting with calculators.
1DTillyFor doing a great job at stretching out words she was trying to spell.3EAhmedFor his positive start to term and his growth mindset by seeking help from peers and teachers.
2AZac     HenryA great job using multiple strategies to add numbers.   For always showing our school values.3FJacobFor his positive start to the term last week and being a happy class member.
2BHaajra       ConorFor her amazing collection of evidence for her reading goal.   For consistently completing his reading nights.3GZayneFor making excellent word choices to extend his writing. 
2CBilal       AngelFor using a growth mindset in maths when solving addition problems.   For being a kind classmate and displaying the school values.4AKiram       SommerMaking great text to text connections when reading Dreamtime stories.   Working hard to improve her handwriting.
5ALatishaFor making a positive start to MSPS. You are such a friendly classmate and we are so lucky to have gained you to our class!4BTiana       CheyenneFor showing a growth mindset when attempting new strategies in maths.   For consistently displaying our schools’ values, being a respectful student.
5DZaharahFor always trying her best in class and having a growth mindset.6BMiafor settling back into MSPS
5EAtif     Natalie TuifuaFor consistently completing his nightly reading.   For being a good role model and displaying the school values.6EXiaotaifor confidently converting measurements.
PArtsCaelyn Latu 1A       Zahra Abbas 0A Harata Retimana 0A    singing ‘out’ with courage in Performing Arts, this week. A great role model!   Excellent miming emotions in Performing ArtsPEKai Rattle 3For working hard during our gymnastics unit, and having a go at skills that challenged him. Great effort Kai!
LOTEAngelique 3DFor making a wonderful Mother’s Day card in French.STEAMAshtan 1BFor listening carefully  to instructions to successfully create a floating fish.

Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgment chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.  

10 SWPBSName, Grade (P,1) Adelina 1B
Zen 1B Tyler 1B Kit 1B Samatha 1B
Nikki-Leigh 1B Skylar 4C Hope 4C Rehmat 4C Zakiah 4C Amsah 4C Noah 4C Jeremiah 4A
Name, Grade (2,3,4) Sarah 4BName, Grade (5,6) Dominic 5A
Inoke 5A Kaylee 5A Nu mawi 5A Venessa 5A
25 SWPBS Rhyko 2D Danielle 2D Aleef 3C
Abdul Rahman 3C Quedessa 3C Akshara 3C
Asui 3C Ruby 3C Kaydan 3C

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – My Place is Special

Students will learn… about their special places and those of the Wurundjeri people. They will explore and identify special places in their house, their school and their community.  They will also learn about the Wurundjeri Country boundaries.
Students will be reading and viewing… informative texts to learn about the structure and features of those texts.  They will explore maps of the school, the community and the Wurundjeri Country. 
Students will write… an informative text about Special Places. They will include a short introduction and facts about the topic. Students will write in the present tense and include vocabulary learned during the unit.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Past and Present (History)

Students will… develop their knowledge and understanding of how the past is different from the present. They will learn about the continuity and change in family life by comparing the present with the past. Students will learn about the differences in family structures; how people are related to each other in families including the kinship relationships of the indigenous people. They will also learn about how clothing, toys, school and communication have changed over time.
Students will be reading and viewing… a variety of texts about the past and present, online and from the school library. Students will view life in the past on the interactive whiteboard via you tube clips, photographs, online books.
Students will write… an autobiography including details about themselves and their families. They will use sources such as photographs or artefacts to provoke their writing.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Wheels in Motion (Transportation)

Students will learn… about the changes in transportation over several generations by comparing past and present objects and photographs, and discussing how these changes have shaped people’s lives. They will identify the different types of transportation used locally, nationally and internationally and how they meet the needs of specific communities. They will examine ways people can keep themselves safe on the road, in the water and online.  Students will also participate in Science experiments showing the forces of push and pull e.g the push and pull forces on a parachute. 
Students will be reading and viewing… texts on modes of transportation using different mediums (books, newspapers/magazines) to find out about the past and viewingphotographs and video clips on the various types of air, sea and road transportation. They will synthesise this information so that they can provide facts and evidence to support their writing.
Students will write… a multimodal informative text on a mode of transportation.  It will include facts about aspects of the mode under headings i.e. historical information, safety rules and push pull forces.

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – The Brothers’ Grimm Author Study

Students will learn… that a fairy tale is a short story often involving magic and legendary deeds. They will recognise that the fantastical characters found in a fairy tale include elves, fairies, witches and dragons. Students will investigate the Brothers Grimm and be able to identify their stories in the fairy tale genre. They will explore the actions of characters in stories over time to determine the values implicit or explicit in decision-making and what may cause personal values to be questioned.
Students will be reading and viewing… the Brothers’ Grimm’s published stories – Cinderella, Rapunzel, Rumplestilskin.
Students will write… a response to literature, summarising one of Grimm’s Fairy tales, writing an opinion about the story using evidence from the text and including any connections that were made.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Dreamtime Stories

Students will learn… that the Dreamtime is the aboriginal understanding of the world, its creation and its great stories. It represents the time when the Ancestral Spirits progressed over the land and created life and important physical geographic formations and sites. Students will learn that Dreamtime stories have been handed down through the generations and are not owned by individuals but belong to a group.
Students will be reading and viewing…Dreamtime stories
Students will write… plays based on Dreamtime stories.

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – The World and Australia

Students will… identify and learn about the major countries of Europe, North America and Asia.  They will research data to identify the proportion of the Australian population who were born in these regions. The students will research the connections between Australia and the Asia region e.g. trade. They will identify the regions where indigenous people live and appreciate the similarities and differences. The students will create and interpret flow and thematic maps to investigate the environmental and human characteristics of the regions studied. 
Students will be reading and viewing… texts on countries and the continents of Europe, North America and Asia.  They will use these texts and maps to research at least one country from one of the regions.
Students will research and write… an informative text on one country from the regions studied by the class.  They will include information basic information e.g. capital city, population, language(s) spoken; identify the environment – biome and the influence of humans and the indigenous people.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – Australian Democracy

Students will… compare and contrast democracy and other forms of government around the world.  They will learn about Australia’s structure of government and the rights and responsibilities of a citizen. We will be reading texts from P.E.O. website and viewing YouTube and BTN clips on parliamentary processes.
Students will write…a compare and contrast informative text comparing Australia’s form of government and another form.
Students will… participate in a mock parliament process debating issues.

Grade 2 Train to Bacchus Marsh
In week 4 the Grade 2 students will be catching the V-line train to Bacchus Marsh where they will eat their snack, play on the adventure playground as well as playing some ball games, and have a sausage for lunch. Students are able to bring their own lunch, if they wish. Then they will catch the V-line train back to Melton. The cost per student will be approximately $4.

Book Club Issue 3 orders are due back by Thursday 11th of May.
You can order using the LOOP ordering system. NO PAYMENTS to school, online ordering only.

Grade 4 Swimming This week the grade four classes have had the opportunity to attend Genesis Swim School where they have been working in targeted groups, developing their water safety and swimming skills. All students have been displaying our school values of safety, respect and the right to learn. The swim school informed the children that they have been the best group of children to teach and look forward to having them again next week. We really are lucky to have such wonderful and engaged kids at M.S.P.S. the Grade 4 Team.


Bonjour a tous. This week in French, our students have been learning about the similarities and differences in Australian and French lifestyles. They have been practicing French greetings to the tune of the song ‘Bonjour mes amis comment ca va?’ As well as dancing to ‘Tete, Epaules, Genoux, Pieds’ (Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes). In Prep, Grade 1& 2, our little Frenchies have been making Mother’s Day cards for their mums and close family members. We practiced saying and writing words and phrases such as maman (mum), j’adore (I love) and merci (thanks).

In Senior year levels, our students have been making the love heart collage, and writing special messages for their mothers. To improve our vocabulary, we have been learning and writing new sentences such as Je t’aime… maman ( I love you mum), tu es.. geniale (you are nice), using positive words such as joyeuse (happy), douce (gentle), belle (beautiful) and drole (funny). The list of adjectives goes on.. Merci tout le monde.

On Friday 19th May, Melton South PS will be participating in National Walk safely to School Day. Students and families are encouraged to walk to school or walk part of the way if you live too far.
Walk Safely to School Day asks that we consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy active way to get around.
Families can walk the whole way to school, if they catch the bus or drive, students can walk part of the way by parking a few blocks away and walking the rest of the way.
There will be a colouring in competition for the P-2’s, and a prize for the class with the most active walkers.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk Safely to School Day journey for Friday 19 MAY 2023!  

After School Sports Term 2 Registrations for participating in After school sports for term 2 is open. Monday: Lawn Bowls
Thursday: AFL
This is open for students in Gr 1-6. If students are interested, they can get a form from the office, which is due back on Friday 12th May. After school sports will run from Monday 15th May- Thursday 22nd June

Gr 5/6 House Athletics A big Congratulations to all the 5/6 students who participated at our House Athletics event on Thursday 4th May. It was great to see lots of happy faces, good sportsmanship and great effort. Thank you to the families who came to support our students, and to all the staff who made the day possible.  

School Photo Day – ONE WEEK TO GO!

MSPS are getting excited for our school photo day! Are you ready? MSP Photography can be contacted on 5333 5577 or via
Ordering is through the Compass Portal.

Western Regional Parenting Service is delighted to be delivering Tuning into Dads, families /carers can register now!  To register