Newsletter 16th December 2022

EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS        December 16th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

END OF TERM:  I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students, families and staff a Merry Xmas and Happy New Year. Whatever your plans are, take the opportunity to spend time with family and friends. It has been a challenging year for many so take care and rest up. I am very proud of what we have achieved this year. It has been so good to have excursions, camps, Alpha Show, swimming program resume after the last few years. A special thank you to all our Wellbeing team members who have supported so many students, families and staff this year. We are fortunate to have Tina, Tonya, Megan, Susan and Sue on our staff.

TERM 1 2023: All students will commence school on Tuesday the 31st of January.Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of the first week Preps will commence at 9:15am. Teachers will be participating in two Curriculum Days commencing on Friday the 27th of January.

STAFFING: We are still finalising staff for 2023. This week we have employed two Performing Arts teachers. This is a new specialist area for 2023, the others are Physical Education, French and STEAM.

BOOK PACKS: Book packs that have been ordered by the required date will be delivered to the school and delivered to the students’ classrooms.

2023 Centenary: It is going to be a year of fun and celebrations. We look forward to meeting with past students, families and staff throughout the year at various events we have planned.

REPORTS: You can access your child/children’s Semester 2 reports on COMPASS TODAY.


PAIndiDisplaying kindness, care and sensitivity towards others.3BFailauga (Una)His positive attitude to learning and for trying his best.
PBOctaviaFantastic understanding of stories presented in song lyrics.4BIndie     KaidenFor an excellent effort when working on her reading goal of summarising.   For consistently displaying the values of our school.
PCRickyRespecting other people’s belongings4CJasper   JenniferFor his writing the poem Cricket.   For assisting the grade 2 students in making Christmas tree cards.
PFCadeyFor making excellent patterns during maths.5ALiam     JuniorFor his incredible hard work to improve his reading.   For being a consistent role model and following our school values.
1CElla CooperFor showing significant improvement in her writing skills. Well done Ella!6AShairaFor her wise and emotive poetry.
1DMehakFor being such a caring and helpful student this year.  6B6BExcellent behaviour at Graduation and Orientation Day.
PEAmosa Prep FFor displaying an excellent two-handed striking technique.6CVaoinaFor being a consistent role model and following our school values.
LOTEYvonne 1DFor her active contribution and being a great role model this year in the French class. Bravo!6DKarmaFor her great use of growth mindset in learning a new skill.

Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources

Over the term break many people in our community may find they experience issues that require some support. Family get-togethers can be very stressful at times as well as joyful. Here is a list of resources that are available if you need them.

External services and resources that can support staff, students and families include:

Safe Steps (1800 015 188) – provides 24-hour statewide family violence support
1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – provides 24-hour sexual assault and family violence information, counselling and support
The Orange Door – supports families experiencing family violence and families who need extra support with the care of children
Kids Helpline (1800 551 800) – provides 24-hour counselling for young people aged 5 to 25
What’s OK At Home? – a website for children and young people aged 10 to 17
headspace – provides access to counselling services for Victorian government secondary school students.

Support for members of diverse communities includes:

Djirra (1800 105 303) – offers phone and face-to-face legal, emotional and cultural support from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for Aboriginal people experiencing family violence
InTouch Multicultural Centre Against Family Violence (1800 755 988) – offers specialist family violence support from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for migrant and refugee women
Rainbow Door (1800 729 367) – free service by text, phone and email from 10 am to 5 pm daily, for LGBTIQA+ people and allies
No to Violence (1300 766 491) – works with and helps men who use family violence
WIRE (Women’s Information and Referral Exchange) (1300 134 130) – free support, referrals and information by phone, web chat and email, from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday, for all Victorian women, non-binary and gender-diverse people.

Grade 3/4 Camp – Campaspe Downs The grade 3 and 4 students were given an opportunity to attend school camp at Campaspe Downs from 30th November to 1st December 2022. School camp has many benefits in providing outdoor education to students. It gives them the opportunity to make new friends, foster independence, build confidence and have fun!  Here are a few pictures to show some of what we got up to, and the fun that we had.


Bonjour tout le monde,

We have just come to the end of a wonderful term in French! Our grade 3/4 students have been learning how to say what foods they like and dislike, describe the colour of an object, and ask politely for something. Whereas grade 5/6’s, our students have been learning about time travelling. We have been saying numbers larger than 100, matching the subject and verb in a sentence, recognising when someone is saying the date, as well as giving the year about historical events that happened in France.  Prep, Grade 1 and 2 students have enjoyed learning French songs and sharing how they are feeling. They have also been learning how to say animal names and are looking forward to getting a class pet next year. Will we get un chien, un chat, une tortue?? We will have to wait and see.

For the last couple of weeks in the French club, our students have had a great time working on the miniature classroom. We used recycled materials such as cardboard, shoe boxes and plastic bags to make a fabulous French room. Our students were very imaginative, creative and thoughtful about their design. In addition to the project, we have also worked on the Monet’s garden. Our students have recreated the water lily pond artwork by using different crayon colours, as well as saying them in French. Bravo a tous! Bien fait!

The Victorian School of Languages (VSL) is a government school with a strong history of commitment to the provision of language programs for students in Years 1 to 12 who do not have access to the study of those languages in their mainstream schools. The school`s language program is delivered through face-to-face teaching in language Centres across Victoria and through Distance Education mode. The school had its beginnings in 1935 when it started Saturday classes at MacRobertson Girls` High School for pupils who desired to learn modern languages. The first classes offered were in Italian and Japanese. Currently the VSL offers over 40 languages around Victoria to 13,000 students in face-to-face classes and 1400 students in distance education. If you wish to enrol your child in 2023 please contact +03 9474 0500 or visit

We wish all our students and families a ‘Joyeux Noel et nouvel an’