Newsletter 9th December 2022

EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS       December 9th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

END OF TERM: Today some grades will be relocating to another classroom to set up for 2023. The grades will continue with their work as usual, just in a different room. For today students will be dismissed at the end of the day from their regular classroom.

STUDENT FREE DAY: Just a reminder that next Monday, the 12th of December will be a student free day. All staff will be working on site.

GRADUATION:  On Monday I had the pleasure of attending the Grade 6 graduation at Tabcorp. The Graduates all looked amazing! Parents were invited to the formal part of the evening where students received their graduation certificate and special curriculum and citizenship awards were presented. After the parents left the students sat down for a 2-course dinner and then had a disco. Jordon, a former student of MSPS was the DJ for the evening. The students thoroughly enjoyed the music and dancing. Students also used the time to get their graduation teddy bears signed by other students and staff. The signature bear was part of the graduation package. A big thank you to Mr Misiano for organising this event.

WHOLE SCHOOL BREAKFAST: We will be hosting our annual whole school breakfast on Monday the 19th of December. It will be held between 9am and 10am. This year it will be for students only.  Notes were sent home with students on Monday. As previously advised this is held in place of individual class parties.

PREPS 2023: Next Tuesday our new prep students will be meeting their classroom teacher, their new classmates and know which room they are going into. It will be an exciting time for them.

GRADE 6 STUDENTS: Grade 6 students will be attending their secondary school on Tuesday. Students are expected to be in full uniform and make their own way to their designated school.


PAPeterWorking hard at increasing his writing stamina.3BRayneHelping to keep us aware of our Australian Aboriginal cultural heritage.
PBDeclanWorking hard to show respect at all times. Well Done!4BRenata       OwenFor using his problem-solving skills exceptionally well during our maths lessons.   For an excellent effort when collecting evidence for his reading goal.
PCHaniaCongratulations for achieving 210 nights of reading.4CDaniel Q     PaigeFor being a good friend and a help to other students on camp.   For her wonderful poetry booklet.
2ARayFor trying new things and facing his fears while at camp.4DImogen     Zane     KiratFor exceeding effort in writing free verse poems.   For achieving his long-term goal in reading. Well done Zane!   For settling in well this term and making new friends in class.
2BAavaiFor the way he has settled into our class beautifully this term.4GAmber Rose     ChloeFor using incredible strategies to solve her division problems.   Creating a beautiful poem booklet.
LOTEVeda 4GFor being kind and enthusiastic in French class.5ESavannah     ElFor her wonderful storytelling during writing.   For showing the school value of respect to all.
6EChloeFor her contributions to maintaining a safe, orderly and clean learning environment.6BMamie     PascalFor her descriptive ballad about a flamingo.   For using great figurative language in his ballad ‘1,2,3,4,5 and the old man.’
6FClaireFor respecting others and applying effort to her work.6CColeFor demonstrating outstanding effort in contributing to classroom organisation.


Thursday December 8th is the last day for Home Reading for this year.
This means that NO books will be sent home with students after today.
This is necessary to allow time for stocktaking, book repairs and distribution of these books to 2023 classrooms, in readiness for next year.
Can you please locate and return any books that may be still at home ASAP.

With appreciation
MSPS Teaching and Learning Coaches

Grade 6 Graduation
On Monday evening our Grade 6 students celebrated their Graduation at Tabcorp Park. It was wonderful to have our parent and carer community in attendance for the first time since 2019. The night included formal speeches, awards and presentations, a lovely dinner, and disco to conclude.
Curriculum Award Winners:
English: Merveille K. 6F
Numeracy Long N. 6B
S.T.E.A.M.: Tyrhys H. 6C
Physical Education: Daniel E. 6B
French: Katherine S. 6D  
Citizenship Award Winners:
6A: Sarah Q
6B: Mamie B
6C: Hannah Z
6D: Miracle B
6E: Danait B
6F: Claire R    
Melton Rotary Club Community Service Scholarship:
Azaria T 6A    

Well done to all of our Grade 6 students and we wish you all the best for Year 7.

Grade 2 Camp – Lady Northcote

Last week the Grade 2 students attended school camp at Lady Northcote. This camp had many benefits in providing outdoor education for our students. It was a wonderful opportunity to strengthen friendships, foster independence, build confidence and just have loads of fun!