Newsletter 21st October 2022

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EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS      Friday October 21st 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

DOXA CAMP: The students attending Doxa are have had a great time. Yesterday the students did rock climbing, archery and the giant swing. Staff reported to me that there were some very tired students and they were very hard to wake up this morning!

STAFFING: We are still having high staff absences due to illness. It is still difficult to get enough Casual Relief Teachers to cover these absences. We do need to split grades at times, we do try where possible to split to the same grade level. When students are split they have work to take with them prepared by their classroom teacher.  We appreciate your ongoing understanding in this matter.

100 YEARS CELEBRATIONS: Grade 6 students were invited to design a banner to advertise our centenary in 2023. The winners’ designs have been printed onto large banners to be displayed on our fence lines. Congratulations to Savannah, Angela, and Tyler who designed the winning banners. These banners will be displayed this week.

STUDENT WORK: It has been another pleasing week with many students coming to my office to show me their work. This year I have handed out so many Principal awards along with a lunch order from the canteen to acknowledge the effort they have put into their work.

CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to all the students who represented the school in sport this week. I am proud of the sportsmanship demonstrated by all of our students in both team and individual sports.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: Many members of staff have had the opportunity to participate in professional learning this week. Our Learning Specialists continued their Numeracy professional learning with Ryan Dunn provided by the Brimbank/Melton Network. The Leadership team and our Teaching and Learning coaches met with Michael Minas to plan Numeracy for 2023. We have been working on Numeracy this year with Michael and will continue the journey next year.

CAMPS: Plans are well under way for the upcoming Grade 3 /4, Grade1 and Grade 2 Camps.


PBWilliamUsing great sound knowledge to improve his writing of unknown words.3ANathanFor his continued commitment to practising his reading goal daily.
PFTiarnaFor showing a growth mindset when completing her writing.3BKayneHis renewed commitment to home reading.
PGAbdul KareemFor using his letter and sound knowledge to write unknown words.3DHarrison     DavisUsing an efficient strategy and explaining your working out during a problem-solving Math lessons. Sharing your thoughts and opinions respectfully during class discussions.
1AKaiFor sharing his knowledge on reptiles in our class discussions.3EChantelleFor writing a detailed explanation text on the Numbat.
1BHarneetFor showing great effort in completing her homework to a very high standard.4AInoke   IsabellaFor his excellent work with decimal numbers. For her interesting research notes on the endangered Gouldian Finch.
1CNoahFor exceptional organisational skills displayed in the classroom.4BZaharaFor showing her understanding of decimals and fractions.
1DChristianFor being able to add coins to given amounts. Well done!4CMasonFor showing his understanding of decimals and fractions.
1FTimFor showing a growth mindset when completing a problem-solving lesson.4DZarrar   FilipeFor showing consistency in his nightly reading. Well done Zarrar! For always taking initiative in the class! Good job Filipe!
2BAshaFor consistently demonstrating the value of respect towards her peers.4FKaylee     CiannaFor her detailed map of ‘Shark Island’, including scale, coordinates, key and a compass rose. Putting fantastic effort into working on her reading goals and showing improvement in her reading.
2CPaw ChaiFor creating an excellent family tree and adding in details for her homework. Well Done!5ABenFor trying hard to solve short division problems.
2DAhmedFor always listening to feedback from his teacher to improve his work. 5BAtaahuaFor writing 9 great interview questions for a family member.
2FAbdul RahmanFor being a positive student of 2F and working hard to contribute to class discussions with sharing ideas.5COliviaFor trying hard to solve division problems using the short division method.
ARTAlpha TugaluaFor encouraging his team members during art and never giving up when building a 3D structure.5EShehbaazFor always striving to do his best.
6EMax    Nominated for her outstanding work in Maths on Division and Area.  6ADeclanFor his commitment to achieving the tasks needed to receive his peer leadership badge.
6FAngelaMonitoring her own progress and a committed attitude to her learning.6BTomasz  For his creation of a fire tornado in readiness for his project presentation.
STEAMJace (5E)Focussing hard on his work, showing our school values.6CFevenIdentifying and clarifying tier 3 words within a range of texts.
   6DSamreen   SkylarFor always working to the best of her ability. For her excellent contributions to discussions during Reciprocal Reading.

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Author Study Pamela Allen

Students will learn… about Pamela Allen and her work. They will learn how to respond to the books written by Pamela Allen, focusing on the themes and characters. They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on her work.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Living Things Adapt

Students will learn… that living things (plant/animals) adapt in order to survive. These adaptations may include features, behaviours, diet, habitat.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Our Place

Students will learn… about the geography and history of their local area. They will become familiar with the purpose and use of globes and maps to identify a hierarchy of locations and the connections people have to them. Students will learn about their local area and the special connection that the Aboriginal community has to it. They will learn about the people and places of historical interest in the local community and the significance of particular sites today. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Living Things

Students will learn… about living things and once-living things. They will investigate and describe living things – mammals i.e live births, reptiles i.e. egg laying, marsupials, monotremes, birds. Students will investigate Australian animals that have become extinct and describe how other Australian animals are on the Endangered Species list. They will understand how the actions of people can affect animals, and the efforts being made to help endangered species..

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Australia’s Place in the World: Sustainability

Students will explore conservation and sustainability issues in Australia and around the World.  They will investigate the role of vegetation around the world and the impact of habitat destruction due to land clearing and mining.  Students will also investigate how humans can make a difference to the environment by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. 

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Civics and Citizenship

Students will… explore the Nine Values for Australian Schools and the values and attitudes expected of an Australian citizen.  They will understand the process to become an Australian citizen and the rights and responsibilities of that citizenship. Students will investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together for the benefit of the community. They will understand the concept of being a global citizen through the investigation of a global issue and the Australian government and other governments responses to that issue.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – What a Disaster!

Students will learn… how environmental characteristics such as climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places. They will relate this to how some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places and gain an understanding of the application of the principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness as ways of reducing the effects of these hazards. The students will explore how decisions and actions influence the way spaces within places are organised and managed. They will be able to explain the types of natural disasters and how they are managed around the world, with those that occur in Australia. The students will identify the purpose and usefulness of information gained from primary and secondary sources such as fieldwork, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and reports.

Djerriwarrh Festival

‘Celebrate today, imagine the future’

The Djerriwarrh Festival is fast approaching. Melton South Primary School will be participating in the annual Djerriwarrah Festival Parade with a walking float #12, to celebrate MSPS diversity and togetherness.

The parade is on Saturday the 5th of November. It will commence at 11:00am at Station Road, travel east down High Street and conclude on the corner of Smith and McKenzie Street.

A huge thank you to our volunteers. If you have volunteered for this event please meet us at 9:45am on High Street between Station Street and Coburns Road (please refer to Djerriwarrh Festival Event Information, sent home with your child for more information).

If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Ms Mendez (Prep E, Room 6), Ms Richards (5B, Room 54) or Ms Spencer (French, Room 57)

It’s going to be a fantastic day, we hope to see you there!

RESP Program

Thank you to Ja Seng, Sammuel, Jay Nar, Lang Par, Bawi Min, Christina and Rama for their participation in the RESP student consultation process. The information provided has helped us to improve our support in student learning and wellbeing at Melton South Primary School.

These students have received a Certificate of Acknowledgment this week.

Dear Parents and Carers,

It’s important that we keep our children safe online so we are writing to remind parents to be vigilant in supervising students when using social media.

The school has very strict policies around Digital Technology Use and a Mobile Phone Policy, which also relates to students taking photographs at our school, which is against our school’s policy. These policies can be found on our school website.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could please have a read and re-iterate the school’s expectations to your children.

Below is a link regarding some basic online support/strategies for talking to students about online use and setting expectations.

In the school’s office are copies of the eSafety guide which have been published by the eSafety commissioner. An example is Snapchat These booklets include a range of online safety tips and strategies. Please feel free to come and collect one. Links will be provided on our website.

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves.

Text Box:  Start building this habit in preschool so they learn right away that going to school on time, every day is important. Good attendance will help children do well in high school, tertiary education and at work.

 What small things can you do that will help make a huge difference?

·         Set a regular bed time and morning routine.

·         Lay out clothes and pack back packs the night before.

·         Introduce your child to teachers and classmates before school starts to help transition.

·         Don’t let your child stay home unless they are truly sick.

·         Keep in mind complaints of a stomach ache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home.

·         If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to teachers, school counsellors, or other parents for advice on how to make her feel comfortable and excited about learning.

·         Develop back‐up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, a neighbour, or another parent.

·         Avoid medical appointments and extended trips when school is in session.

Adapted from Attendance Works