Newsletter 14th October 2022

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EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS      Friday October 14th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

GRADES 2023: Teachers devote many hours to the development of grades, taking many factors into consideration. If you have any specific requests, please put them in writing to the Principal marked Confidential and hand in to the office by Friday the 28th of October. You may also send an email to  subject – Attention Principal. All requests will be given due consideration.

Please note that only requests handed in by this date will be considered.

ENROLMENTS: Grades for 2023 are being organised. To assist with this process, we ask any families/students who are moving to another area and not returning to Melton South Primary in 2023 to notify the school as soon as possible.

We also ask that if you have a child that will be commencing Prep in 2023 and you have not completed an enrolment form please do so as soon as possible. This is vital information and informs us of our staffing needs.

DOXA CAMP:  Some students from grades 5/6 will be attending the Doxa camp next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We hope they have a great time doing the different bush activities. We also thank Mrs Rachel Costigan, Ms Tabetha Taylor, Ms Deb Hine and Mr Ewen Hildebrand for volunteering to attend this camp.

FRONT GARDEN: As you may have noticed we are in the process of improving our front garden and entrance area to our school. Wanda McDonald and Garry Vella are working hard to establish new garden beds, paths and seating areas.

CENTENNIAL PLANS: Our committee has been busy planning our activities for our 100 years celebration in 2023. One of the activities we will be holding is a Design-A-Brick fundraiser where parents and/or students can purchase and design their own brick which will be used to develop the paths in the front garden.


DET has strongly recommended that students:

-who test positive to COVID-19 stay home and isolate for 5 days

-should not attend school after 5 days if still symptomatic

-who are symptomatic but have not tested positive should not attend school

-advise the school of the COVD-19 positive test result.

Where students become symptomatic at school they should:

-be collected by their parents/carers

-undergo testing for COVID-19.


PAAliUsing a growth mindset in reading and practicing his goal. 3BKayneHis renewed commitment to home reading.
1CRileyFor trying his best efforts to improve his writing.3CMa ThliehHer efforts to build her collaboration skills when working in groups.
1DChristianFor his great work with adding collections of coins.3DPriya & TamaraRepresenting MSPS during the Grade 3/4 Girls AFL day.
2AHakim   Ahmed     AsuiFor always being kind.   For working hard on his High Frequency Words!   For always persisting when faced with a challenge.3EKiramFor using engaging vocabulary when writing an explanation text on the Tasmanian Devil.
4AMason   EmeraldFor his excellent work with decimal numbers. For her brilliant efforts throughout independent reading times.
PEAmelia (1F)   Tyson (6F)   Jai (4B)     Amelia (2E)     Aiden (5A)For demonstrating excellent athletics skills. For demonstrating excellent golf skills.   For demonstrating a Growth mindset while participating in fielding games.   For demonstrating a wonderful long jump technique.   For demonstrating good control when moving to field a ball.4CShuraimFor his great effort counting by decimal numbers using number lines.
4DImogen     LukeFor showing care and compassion towards her peers in the classroom.   For showing consistency in his home readers. Good job Luke!
4GAlinaFor her great work with decimals.
5BVictoriaFor being a kind person.
5CKassandraFor showing a growth mindset when completing division tasks.
ART STEAMTyson and Jayden 6FFor demonstrating excellent teamwork skills when creating their robots.5EJakobiFor being a caring and compassionate student.
LOTEJannah 4FFor working cooperatively with other members of the class in group activity.6BRose     MamieFor persisting when faced with a challenging multiplication problem.   For being a responsible Doxa Camper by returning her notes as required.
6EElise     James  For her excellent stamina and task orientation for her open-cycle writing.   For his care and proactivity in keeping our communal learning space neat and orderly.6CTyler Ric     KiaraUsing a range of sentence types to create fluency within their writing.   For using a range of descriptive language within her natural disaster narrative.
6FTupou LaniDemonstrating maturity relating to all aspects of our school community.6DShaj     ReferendaFor excellent recording of her reading goal in her goal book.   For demonstrating traits of being a good friend and class member.

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Author Study Pamela Allen

Students will learn… about Pamela Allen and her work. They will learn how to respond to the books written by Pamela Allen, focusing on the themes and characters. They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on her work.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Living Things Adapt

Students will learn… that living things (plant/animals) adapt in order to survive. These adaptations may include features, behaviours, diet, habitat.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Our Place

Students will learn… about the geography and history of their local area. They will become familiar with the purpose and use of globes and maps to identify a hierarchy of locations and the connections people have to them. Students will learn about their local area and the special connection that the Aboriginal community has to it. They will learn about the people and places of historical interest in the local community and the significance of particular sites today. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Living Things

Students will learn… about living things and once-living things. They will investigate and describe living things – mammals i.e live births, reptiles i.e. egg laying, marsupials, monotremes, birds. Students will investigate Australian animals that have become extinct and describe how other Australian animals are on the Endangered Species list. They will understand how the actions of people can affect animals, and the efforts being made to help endangered species.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Australia’s Place in the World: Sustainability

Students will explore conservation and sustainability issues in Australia and around the World.  They will investigate the role of vegetation around the world and the impact of habitat destruction due to land clearing and mining.  Students will also investigate how humans can make a difference to the environment by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. 

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Civics and Citizenship

Students will… explore the Nine Values for Australian Schools and the values and attitudes expected of an Australian citizen.  They will understand the process to become an Australian citizen and the rights and responsibilities of that citizenship. Students will investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together for the benefit of the community. They will understand the concept of being a global citizen through the investigation of a global issue and the Australian government and other governments responses to that issue.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – What a Disaster!

Students will learn… how environmental characteristics such as climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places. They will relate this to how some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places and gain an understanding of the application of the principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness as ways of reducing the effects of these hazards. The students will explore how decisions and actions influence the way spaces within places are organised and managed. They will be able to explain the types of natural disasters and how they are managed around the world, with those that occur in Australia.

French News

Text Box:  Bonjour tout le monde! This week in Grades 3&4 we have been learning how to make polite requests and use the word ‘du’ to say some amounts such as Je voudrais ( I would like).. du chocolat, du gâteau et des pommes. We worked in groups to play a memory match game using the words in the Le chien très gourmand story. We have matched the food phrases and with the picture cards, as well as pronounced our French words. Bon effort et bravo a tous ! Next week we are going to play the Food Preferences Board Game, practise the le/la/les articles, and use some preference phrases to say what we like and do not like.

Announcing our Grade 6 Banner Winners

Earlier this year Grade 6 students were invited to submit a design to help advertise to our community that next year is our 100year Centenary. The hand-drawn banner designs will be printed onto large banners and displayed around the fence line of the school. Congratulations Sarah on your wonderfully detailed design and Savannah on your beautiful calligraphy of the ribbon-banner!

The digital banner designs will be used online on our school website, in regular school newsletter updates and next year during our Centenary (100th) year with updates on social media such as Facebook.

Congratulations Angela on your clear and colourful graphics outlining our schools’ Centenary and Tyler on your faithful digitization of our iconic Administration Building!

Mental Health and Wellbeing

The Royal Childrens Hospital has an excellent website that helps you decide what level of support your child needs and where to get support. The website goes through the signs of anxiety, where to go to find further information and when you might need professional help. Many children and adults are experiencing increased levels of anxiety since the onset of Covid 19.


Grade 6 Tyson and Jayden show their inventions.

Welcome to an exciting, fun filled Term 4 In STEAM! We will be learning about robotics through experimenting and investigating their functions in our new unit. Already we have seen some wonderful engineering skills and it’s only week one!

Grade 2 are acquainting themselves with Edison robots, exploring its different abilities by programming them using barcodes.

Grade 3 and 4 are experimenting with Sphero robots to complete their respective design challenges. Grade 3 are creating a chariot from recycled materials to be pulled by a Sphero robot and Grade 4 are designing and constructing a bridge that supports the weight of the robot as it travels over it.

Grade 5 are learning how to code an Ozobot to follow a route of important local landmarks while Grade 6 are discovering how to execute programs to assemble and present solutions to problems using Lego SPIKE Prime.

We look forward to sharing their engineering designs with you in the coming weeks.

                                                                                                                 -The STEAM Team

                                     Book Club Issue 7 orders are due back by Friday 21st of October.

You can order using the LOOP ordering system. NO PAYMENTS to school. Online ordering only.