Newsletter 28th October 2022

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EVERY   SCHOOL   DAY   COUNTS      Friday October 28th 2022


Everyone has the right to be SAFE

Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED

Everyone has the right to LEARN

CURRICULUM DAY: Just a reminder that Monday the 31st of October is a Curriculum Day, no students required at school. We will see all students back at school on Wednesday the 2nd of November.

GRADES 2023: Teachers devote many hours to the development of grades, taking many factors into consideration. If you have any specific requests, please put them into writing to the Principal marked Confidential and hand in to the office by Friday the 28th of October. You may also send an email to  subject – Attention Principal. All requests will be given due consideration.

Please note that the date for requests has been extended to Wednesday the 2nd of November.

ENROLMENTS: Grades for 2023 are being organised, to assist with this process we ask any families/students who are moving to another area and not returning to Melton South Primary in 2023 to notify the school as soon as possible. We also ask that if you have a child that will be commencing Prep in 2023 and you have not completed an enrolment form please do so as soon as possible.

ROOM CHANGES:  We welcome Mrs Kelly back after her leave. From Wednesday the 2nd of November 4B, Mrs Leah Kelly’s grade will be in Room 45 and 4C, Mrs Sharleen Honey’s grade will be in room 44. They have moved their belongings this afternoon.

EXCURSIONS: Please ensure timelines are adhered to when paying for excursions. This is very important as we need to confirm numbers with the bus company and venue prior to the excursion. If you are experiencing difficulties with payment please make an appointment with a member of the leadership team prior to the closing date.

SOCIAL MEDIA: We are still experiencing problems with social media. Comments posted on social media is causing stress to students and their families. Please be mindful of the impact posts can have especially with the trauma that students have experienced over the last two years with COVID and lockdowns.


PAAsharStretching and blending sounds during reading.3CEshaan MFor making good choices that have benefited his learning.
PBCharlotteTrying hard to reread and edit her writing.3DEmily       CharlotteFollowing our school value of ‘Respect’ by including others and making our new student feel welcomed.   Sharing your thoughts and opinions when clarifying new words in reading.
PEEstherFor speaking loudly and clearly when performing ‘The Pear in the Pear Tree’ during Investigations.3EAmity       RajizFor including key information about the Australian Fur Seal when writing her explanation text.   For sharing his thoughts and participating in class discussions about Australian animals.
1BCadenFor showing a growth mindset when completing his money activities in My Numeracy.4BShifaFor working hard in mathematics by using her decimal knowledge to round money to the nearest 5 cents.
1CXanderFor writing a detailed information report on a reptile.4CViditFor enthusiastically solving his money problems using his knowledge to round money to the nearest 5 cents.
1DAnsharahFor fantastic home learning. A great effort!4DLewis     TylerFor exceeding effort in his research about an endangered species. Well done Lewis!   For attempting his Numeracy work and showing perseverance to complete tasks. Great effort Tyler!
2ASullivan     ConnorFor consistently showing the school value of respect.   For using excellent problem-solving skills during math.5AWilloh     XiaotaiFor writing such a proud biography on her big sister.   For creating an amazing poster on being a Global Citizen.
2BTylerFor his consistent efforts to improve his reading.5BArchimedesFor writing an informative and interesting biography on his sister.
2FAila     AleefFor consistently showing the school values and being such a kind person in 2F.   Well done on producing a wonderful writing persuasive piece on “the best place in Melton”5CBellaFor working hard on planning and writing her biography about her Mum.
5EMiaconsistently showing the school value of respect.
5FPetaFor excellent work with multiplication and division.
6DAdoneya     Taylah  Making excellent contributions to class discussions.   Working collaboratively to solve division problems.6ARileyFor consistently dedicating himself and showing a growth mindset to all subjects.
6EFranciscoLeading discussions and research with his group on Natural Disasters.6BAlicia     SamarFor persisting with her information report during writing.   For using his multiplication knowledge when solving division problems.
STEAMTyler 6C Ty 6CConsistently high achievements in STEAM.6CMandela     AidenUsing his number knowledge to solve short division problems.   For identifying and explaining the purpose and features of choropleth maps.

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Author Study Pamela Allen

Students will learn… about Pamela Allen and her work. They will learn how to respond to the books written by Pamela Allen, focusing on the themes and characters. They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on her work.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Living Things Adapt

Students will learn… that living things (plant/animals) adapt in order to survive. These adaptations may include features, behaviours, diet, habitat.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Our Place

Students will learn… about the geography and history of their local area. They will become familiar with the purpose and use of globes and maps to identify a hierarchy of locations and the connections people have to them. Students will learn about their local area and the special connection that the Aboriginal community has to it. They will learn about the people and places of historical interest in the local community and the significance of particular sites today. 

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Living Things

Students will learn… about living things and once-living things. They will investigate and describe living things – mammals i.e live births, reptiles i.e. egg laying, marsupials, monotremes, birds. Students will investigate Australian animals that have become extinct and describe how other Australian animals are on the Endangered Species list. They will understand how the actions of people can affect animals, and the efforts being made to help endangered species..

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Australia’s Place in the World: Sustainability

Students will explore conservation and sustainability issues in Australia and around the World.  They will investigate the role of vegetation around the world and the impact of habitat destruction due to land clearing and mining.  Students will also investigate how humans can make a difference to the environment by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. 

 Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Civics and Citizenship

Students will… explore the Nine Values for Australian Schools and the values and attitudes expected of an Australian citizen.  They will understand the process to become an Australian citizen and the rights and responsibilities of that citizenship. Students will investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together for the benefit of the community. They will understand the concept of being a global citizen through the investigation of a global issue and the Australian government and other governments responses to that issue.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – What a Disaster!

Students will learn… how environmental characteristics such as climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places. They will relate this to how some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places and gain an understanding of the application of the principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness as ways of reducing the effects of these hazards. The students will explore how decisions and actions influence the way spaces within places are organised and managed. They will be able to explain the types of natural disasters and how they are managed around the world, with those that occur in Australia. The students will identify the purpose and usefulness of information gained from primary and secondary sources such as fieldwork, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and reports.

Do I have to go to school?

Yes, in Victoria everyone aged from 6 – 17 has to go to school.

Missing one day a fortnight is the same as missing 4 whole weeks of school a year.

From Foundation to Year 12 that adds up to 1.5 years of school!

School is better when you attend.

You will make stronger connections and friendships with people.

Your friends and your teachers notice that you are away and wonder if you are OK.

Djerriwarrh Festival

‘Celebrate today, imagine the future’

The Djerriwarrh Festival is fast approaching. Melton South Primary School will be participating in the annual Djerriwarrah Festival Parade with a walking float #12, to celebrate MSPS diversity and togetherness.

The parade is on Saturday the 5th of November. It will commence at 11:00am at Station Road, travel east down High Street and conclude on the corner of Smith and McKenzie Street.

If you have volunteered for this event you will need to meet at 9:45am on High Street between Station Street and Coburns Road (please refer to Djerriwarrh Festival Event Information, sent home with your child for more information).

Text Box:  If you have any further questions or concerns, please contact Ms Mendez (Prep E, Room 6), Ms Richards (5B, Room 54) or Ms Spencer (French, Room 57)

It’s going to be a fantastic day, we hope to see you there!


Grade 6 Samuel creating a protype challenge

In Steam over the next couple of weeks, Grade 2 students will be learning about algorithms. An algorithm is a list of step by step instructions. In ICT students are replacing text instructions with simple arrow symbols in order to colour in squares on a 3 x 3 grid. They have already learned how to program an Edison robot using code. They enjoyed working in teams to build a sumo robot and had fun trying to come up with the ultimate design that would push their opponent out of the wrestling ring, making theirs the ultimate winner. There was lots of discussion in their teams about what features of their individual sketches could be incorporated into their final design.

Grade 3 are creating a chariot driven by a robotand Grade 4 are designing and constructing a bridge that supports a robot as it travels over it, while learning about Suspension, Arch, Truss and Beam bridges.

While planning their respective models, students are deciding what recycled materials they can utilise for their designs and make exact measurements to refer to when constructing their models.

Grade 5 are drawing a map of important landmarks in Melton while creating code for an Ozobot to follow.  This will involve, going faster, slower, making u turns, going in zig zags and other commands using simple, colour block coding.

Grade 6 are discovering how to execute programs to assemble and present solutions to problems such as modifying a protype using Lego SPIKE Prime.

                                                                                                                     -The STEAM Team


TEAMs, TEAMs and more teams.  We just would like to acknowledge the fine efforts our students have all been putting in to train during their recesses and lunches to be the best they can be to represent our school.  In the last 2 weeks we have had our Grade 3 and 4 Boys and Girls Rugby teams go out and enjoy some fun on the fields.  We have also seen our 5/6 Rugby Boys and Girls teams have some success. They have all done it with great pride and honour so again thank you to our wonderful students and to our parents for allowing them to go out and represent our school.

Good luck to the Regional Volleyball team in their upcoming tournament.


Prep – Thursday 3rd November

Grade 1 & 2 – Friday 4th November

It’s getting closer and the excitement is building in the air.  Our Prep to Grade 2 athletes have all been working so hard to develop the necessary skills they will need to showcase in the upcoming Mini Athletics Carnivals.  Parents if you are around and you can make it, we will be running our carnival out on the Melton South Reserve.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We all know that social media can have a negative impact on student lives.

As adults we have to model the behaviours and actions we want children to practice. Here are some

suggestions that could be used to help manage social media in our lives and those of our children.

1.      Turn off your phone at certain times of the day, such as having dinner, spending time with offline friends, or playing with your pets.

2.      Don’t bring your phone or tablet to bed. Turn devices off and leave them in another room overnight to charge.

3.      Disable social media notifications. It’s hard to resist the constant buzzing, beeping, and dinging of your phone alerting you to new messages. Turning off notifications can help you regain control of your time and focus.

4.      Limit checks. If you compulsively check your phone every few minutes, wean yourself off by limiting your checks to once every 15 minutes. Then once every 30 minutes, then once an hour. There are apps that can automatically limit when you’re able to access your phone. Have a competition to see who can keep to the limit the most times!

5.      Try removing social media apps from your phone so you can only check Facebook, Twitter and the like from your tablet or computer. Try removing one social media app at a time to see how you manage.

Grade 1 and 2 camp Lady Northcote

The cost of this camp is $215 and this will need to be paid in full by November 2nd 2022 unless other arrangements have been made with the school Principal.

Camp Activities:

Some of the activities that your child will be participating in while there include, but not limited to; archery, low ropes course, night walk, yabbying and hut building. Please note that these are subject to change.

This week you should have received a camp information pack. All Forms are due back by 7th November 2022.

If you have any queries please see your child’s classroom teacher.