Tuesday July 30th 2024
Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.
Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN
Bullying No Way Week
MSPS will be celebrating Bullying No Way Week between 12th – 16th August 2024. Bullying No Way Week is all about the important roles school, family and community play in helping young people feel accepted, respected and that they have a place where they belong. Purple is the hero colour that represents Bullying No Way: National week of action. It represents peace, strength and empowerment, with bold tones signifying a firm stand against bullying behaviour. On Monday 12th August students are invited to come to school with a touch of purple. This could be purple socks, hair ribbon or a shirt. Students will also be participating in activities throughout the week to promote empathy, challenge stereotypes, embrace diversity and support positive relationships.
Grade 3 – 6 Camp
Dear parents and carers, A reminder that all camp payments need to be finalised by the end of this term. You can make payment in full on your child’s compass profile, or smaller, more frequent payments through the office. More information about the camp can be found at www.rosesgap.com.au
Book Week – Week 6
In week 6 we will be celebrating Book Week with a variety of different activities.
There will be an open morning for you to visit your child’s class and see what takes place in a reading session.
Date: Monday 19th August
Time: 9:00am
Where: Classrooms
We will also be having a dress up book parade.
Day and time to be confirmed.
Students will also undertake a whole school reading competition within their grade. We look forward to celebrating our wonderful readers at MSPS!
We currently have two vacancies on our School Council, a parent vacancy and a community member vacancy. If you are interested in finding out more about the requirements of members or joining our School Council please contact Karrie Dunstan on 9743 2922 for further details.
100 Days of School
Today the Preps celebrated their 100th day of Prep. The excitement leading up to today has been amazing. Many different activities were completed in celebration of this HUGE milestone! Congratulations Preps… we are so PROUD of you!
PA | Keyock Vanrolen | For showing whole body listening during class discussions. For having a go at writing simple sentences in writing. | 3B | Felix | For showing our school values and always helping others when needed. |
PC | Ewurama | For writing the sounds she can hear in words. | 3C | Clive | For welcoming our new students in 3C and always trying his best to finish his work with lots of enthusiasm. Well done Clive! |
PE | Jaanvi Janet | For fantastic improvement in her writing. For an outstanding start at her new school. | 3D | Ella | For having super star attendance and coming to school every day! Well done Ella! |
PF | Cooper Dylan | For being organised with every task and trying his best. For always having a fantastic attitude towards her learning. | 3E | Summer | For being a great classroom role model and always trying her best. |
1B | Wilondja | For working hard on his writing. | 4D | Wyatt Avitaj | For his enthusiasm towards his open cycle writing this term. For showing greater confidence when participating in class discussions. |
1C | Harry | For making 54 in tens and ones. Great work in maths today! | 4E | Mia | Her kindness and support in helping other students. |
1F | Elizabeth | For great listening skills and showing respect to everyone in the class. | 4F | Tua Riynasser | For showing a positive attitude towards learning. For showing kindness towards her peers in the senior play areas. |
2B | Jashmiga | For being a kind student and showing respect to her peers. | 5C | Tyrese Diamond | A great job converting fractions to percentages in maths. Always showing enthusiasm and a positive work ethic towards her learning. |
2D | Charlotte Wani | For consistently being an organised and responsible student in all her daily tasks. For using a growth mindset during his daily Independent Reading tasks. | 5D | Emily | For showing kindness and respect towards her peers, and always showing enthusiasm in the classroom. |
2E | Ritika | For showing a great understanding of adding different values of money. | 5E | Price Wyatt | For being a kind student and showing respect to his peers. For showing an interest in our financial maths unit. |
3A | Kayan | For being a supportive classmate, willing to share his ideas and show his working out in Mathematics. | 6A | Shuraim Haiyan | For working confidently when measuring angles with a protractor and supporting a peer. For having a positive mindset when completing both the grid and lattice methods for multiplication. |
STEAM | Declan 1D | For his amazing enthusiasm and effort designing a wombat environment. | 6B | Ashwini Sajida | For going above and beyond in their Margaret Wild themed writing. |
Each day, MSPS students work their way up the SWPBS learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart. When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge.
Name, Grade Prep | Name, Grade 1&2 | Name, Grade (3&4) | Name, Grade (5&6) | |
10 SWPBS | Tua 4F | Lebron 6A Ayub 5D | ||
25 SWPBS | Matthias PF Vihen PF Blessing PC Mason PC | Riynasser 4F Isla 4F Angelique 4F | Rayaan 6A Jayce 5D Sera 5D | |
50 SWPBS | Dakota 3A Kayan 3A Riziki 3A Catherine 4F Tyler G 4F | Fatiha 5D Jemma 5D Delara 5D Chase 5D Amara 5D Peter 5D Shahbaaz 5D |
Afterschool Sports Term 3
During Term 3 Melton South Primary school will be offering our Afterschool Sports Program again. The program will commence in week 4 of the term with Rugby League being offered on the Monday 5th of August and Tennis on the Thursday the 8th of August.
The program will run over a 6 week period finishing on Thursday the 12th of September of Week 9.
Location: Students are to meet Mr Demarchi or Mr Smakman outside of the MSPS gym.
What time: Each session will run for 1 hour from 3:30pm – 4:30pm.
When: The program will run on the Monday and Thursday of weeks 4 – 9 of term 3.
Cost: $0
If you would like your child to participate in the afterschool sports program, students will need to collect a consent form from Mr Demarchi or Mr Smakman in the PE office. These will be available from the end of week 1 and need to be returned to the front office by Friday the 2nd of August for your child to be part of the program.
Read the newsletter in these languages by scanning the QR code. | ||
Arabic – Bengali – Hindi – Burmese – Thai – Tagalog – Punjabi | | – Telugu – Swahili – Vietnamese – Tamil – Tigrinya – Urdu – Chinese |

Book Club
Book Club Issue 5 orders are due by Friday 2nd of August.
You can order using the LOOP ordering system. NO PAYMENTS to school. Online ordering only.