Newsletter 6th October 2023

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.

Friday October 6th 2023


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

SUN SMART: Melton South Primary is an accredited Sun Smart School. Students need to wear a navy broad brimmed hat at recess and lunch times and during their Physical Education sessions. Hats can be purchased from the office for $12.

GALA DAY: Our Gala Day celebrating 100 years is being held on Saturday the 21st of October. Tickets are free however need to be pre-booked for planning purposes at
See the flyer attached to the newsletter for activities on the day.

DIARY DATES: As you can see from the above diary dates we are in for a very busy term with lots of sporting activities, excursions, prep orientation and our grade 6 graduation. We are also returning to whole school assemblies to be held fortnightly. 

2024: If you know your child/ren will not be attending Melton South Primary in 2024 please let us know at the office or email  This will assist us with planning for 2024.

GRADES 2024: Teachers devote many hours to the development of grades, taking many factors into consideration. If you have any specific requests, please put them into writing to the Principal marked Confidential and hand in to the office by Friday the 27th of October. You may send an email to  subject – Attention Principal.

All requests will be given due consideration.

BINAP PRIMARY SCHOOL: The new school in Brookfield will be opening in 2024. It will be zoned as all Government schools are in Melton. To find out if you are in the zone: Google Find my School and type in your address, select enrolment year and primary school. If you decide to enrol your child/ren at the new school please email me on to assist us with planning for 2024. As your child/ren are already enrolled at Melton South Primary they can continue at our school if that is what you choose to do.

If you do decide to enrol at Binap PS and you are not in our zone you won’t be able to re-enrol at MSPS.

Marilyn Costigan

Be sure to keep an eye out on next week’s newsletter for a list of all the amazing raffle prizes that have been donated and collected for the CENTENARY GALA DAY RAFFLE on the 21st of October.
Tickets will be on sale on the day and $2each or 3 for $5


Memorabilia is still available to order through Compass and will be on sale on Saturday, October 21st during the Gala Open Day. Tickets are free however need to be pre-booked for planning purposes at   We look forward to celebrating our schools’ incredible milestone with you this year!

Grade 4 Reminder Ballarat Wildlife Park excursion – Wednesday 25th October.
The Grade 4 students and staff are very excited about our upcoming excursion to Ballarat Wildlife Park. We have had an amazing response to our call out for parent helpers. Thank you to all who have offered to volunteer their time on the day. A reminder that consent and payment for the excursion is due soon (Thursday 19th October). Payments can be made through the Compass portal, by returning notes to your child’s classroom teacher or at the office. CSEF may be used for those eligible.

Grade 4 Western Water Incursion
This week the Grade 4 students were visited by Western Water to complete an investigation on water quality and sustainability. Students were introduced to the idea of what is, and what is not, considered sustainable practices and were able to study the quality of a water sample through a variety of tests. The water was tested for its acidity (pH), phosphates and turbidity (clarity). The students concluded that the water sample was of excellent quality!  


PBElizabethBeing a respectful learner and listening to teacher instruction.3ADejan     Ahmed OFor sharing his incredible knowledge of the planets when discussing the solar system.   For taking on feedback, returning to his writing piece and extending it into a more detailed, interesting information text.
PDArhaamFor his positive attitude and great start to Melton South Primary School.3BHunterFor calculating change efficiently during our maths lessons this week.
PEReubenFor working hard towards engaging positively with his peers.3DJackBeing a Space expert and correctly ordering the objects of our solar system.
PFMasonFor using a growth mindset during handwriting.3EAvitajFor coming into 3E with a positive attitude to learning and settling in well!
1BHiteshFor using the sounds that he can hear in his writing.3FTyeFor trying your personal best when learning to bat in t-ball during Grade 3 Sport! You are a superstar.
1CIndiFor working hard in using the correct punctuation in her writing. Well done Indi.3GMikaelsonFor his enthusiasm during Grade 3 Sport when he was learning the skills involved with t-ball. 
1DTillyFor monitoring her reading and correcting her own mistakes.4ALillyanneFor working hard to develop her understanding of improper fractions.
2AAva  For a great job using different coins to represent the same total value.4BTyreseFor approaching our incursion about water quality and sustainability with interest and curiosity.
2BSummer     ElaineFor following all Melton South School Values and completing all her work tasks enthusiastically.   For completing a great persuasive piece of writing during the open cycle writing.4CSkylerFor always being a responsible, hard-working, student in 4C. Well done Skylar.
2DEkas     ArjunFor being an exceptional learner who willingly helps his classmates.   For staying focused and smashing out his Maths activities!4DDengFor a fantastic effort converting improper fractions to mixed numbers.
2EJacksonFor taking the time to go back and improve his writing.4EWyattFor the enthusiasm and interest, he showed during the Western Water incursion.
2FAgamFor showing great whole body listening during class discussions.5AAlexFor your determination in showing the relationship between multiplication and division. Keep working hard!
6DSkylahFor her maturity and leadership.5CAriFor showing an excellent understanding of the relationship between multiplication and division.
6EPhoenixFor settling into her new grade and school confidently.5DMason SFor having a great start to Term 4 and striving to do his best in writing and maths.
LOTEIsla 3EFor using her greetings and participating nicely in class.5FDakotaFor persevering to solve division problems independently.
PArtsEmir 3A   Rose 5EFor excellent original dancing in Performing Arts   For her insightful understanding of how to use a close up in media arts.6AMiaHer positive commitment and determination to make the most of her learning.
PEArianna     Taanni 6AFor participating in the Rugby League Clinics with enthusiasm and following the game rules.   For participating in the Rugby League Clinics with enthusiasm and assisting the grade 1’s.6BAtaahuaFor writing a great diamante poem.
STEAMAswad 5DFor his enthusiasm when experimenting with Sphero Robots.   
Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.  
 Name, Grade (P,1)Name, Grade (2,3,4)Name, Grade (5,6)
10 SWPBSCatalaya 1C
Indi 1C
Oliver 1C
Xiaoran 1C
Guntas 1C
Evie 1C
Luna 1C
Soimavi 1C
Meerub 1C
Muhammad 1C
25 SWPBSTryphosa 1C
Hania 1C
Bakshish 1C
Meltony 1D
Tilly 1D
Serenity 1D
Lucas  1D
Ethan 1D
50 SWPBS Eknoor 4B
Sam 4B
Moudy 4B
Moiz 4B
Lucky 4B  
Avni 2E
75 SWPBS Japleen 4BRichard 5A
Lucas 5A
100 SWPBS  Ariz 4B 

What are the students currently learning?

Prep:  Investigation Unit – Author Study Aaron Blabey

Students will learn… about Aaron Blabey and his work. They will learn how to respond to the books written by Aaron Blabey, focusing on the themes and characters. They will learn about the author’s life and how it impacts on his work.

Students will be reading and viewing… a variety of video clips and books written by Aaron Blabey.

Students will write…a response to literature text. They will briefly summarise one of Aaron Blabey’s books, give their opinion on the text with evidence from the text and write about a connection they are able to make to the text.

Grade 1:  Investigation Unit – Living Things Adapt

Students will learn… that living things (plant/animals) adapt in order to survive. These adaptations may include features, behaviours, diet, habitat.

Students will be reading and viewing…Encarta Kids, Information Texts, Youtube clips and Zoo websites about living things.

Students will write… information Reports. They will write interesting facts about living things including habitat, adaptation, features and diet.

Grade 2:  Investigation Unit – Our Place in Time

Students will learn…about the geography and history of their local area. They will become familiar with the purpose and use of globes and maps to identify a hierarchy of locations and the connections people have to them. Students will learn about their local area and the special connection that the Aboriginal community has to it. They will learn about the people and places of historical interest in the local community and the significance of particular sites today. 

Students will be reading and viewing…online texts to learn about Melton as a suburb of Melbourne and they will view videos about Melton in the past.

Students will write…a persuasive text as a brochure about what is great about Melton.

Grade 3:  Investigation Unit – Spinning Out

Students will learn…about the Earth, the Moon and the Sun. They will learn about the relative sizes and movements of these ‘heavenly bodies’.  Students will learn about the rotation and revolution of the Earth. They will investigate sundials and how they work.

Students will be reading and viewing…science fiction texts and information texts on the Earth, Sun and Moon. 

Students will write…a science fiction narrative text.  They might write about living in cities on the Moon or futuristic inventions.

Grade 4:   Investigation Unit – Australia’s Place in the World: Sustainability

Students will explore…conservation and sustainability issues in Australia and around the World. They will investigate the role of vegetation around the world and the impact of habitat destruction due to land clearing and mining. Students will also investigate how humans can make a difference to the environment by reducing, recycling and reusing materials. 

Students will be reading and viewing…texts, video clips and maps to build knowledge about geographical and climatic areas of the world. They will investigate the types of human settlement around the world. 

Students will write…a multimodal information text with a persuasive text structure on an investigation about the impact of humans on animals and their habitat.

Grade 5:   Investigation Unit – Civics and Citizenship

Students will explore…the Nine Values for Australian Schools and the values and attitudes expected of an Australian citizen. They will understand the process to become an Australian citizen and the rights and responsibilities of that citizenship. The students will investigate how people with shared beliefs and values work together for the benefit of the community. They will understand the concept of being a global citizen through the investigation of a global issue and the Australian government and other governments responses to that issue.

Students will be reading and viewing…informative texts on the values and attitudes underpinning citizenship as well as biographical texts on the lives of significant historical and contemporary individuals and the contributions these individuals and their actions make to the lives of others, their local communities, their nation and the global community.  

Students will research and write…a biography on the life of a significant historical or contemporary individual who has made contributions to the lives of others, their communities, their nation or the global community. They will demonstrate their understanding of how the values of this individual lead to his/her work or activism.

Grade 6:   Investigation Unit – What a Disaster!

Students will learn…how environmental characteristics such as climate and landforms influence the human characteristics of places, and how human actions influence the environmental characteristics of places. They will relate this to how some climates produce hazards such as bushfires and floods that threaten the safety of places and gain an understanding of the application of the principles of prevention, mitigation and preparedness as ways of reducing the effects of these hazards. The students will explore how decisions and actions influence the way spaces within places are organised and managed. They will be able to explain the types of natural disasters and how they are managed around the world, with those that occur in Australia. The students will identify the purpose and usefulness of information gained from primary and secondary sources such as fieldwork, maps, plans, photographs, satellite images, statistical sources and reports. 

Students will be reading and viewing…texts on environmental characteristics and climate. They will do research on climate and how it produces hazards such as bushfires and floods. The students will research one natural disaster for a project.

Students will write…an explanation to explain how a natural disaster occurs and how it was managed. They will include a phenomenon identification statement introducing, describing, defining the phenomenon and an explanation sequence.


Book Club Issue 7 orders are due by Friday 20th of October.
You can order using the LOOP ordering system.
No payments to school, online ordering only.