Newsletter 6th April 2023

Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN
Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday.

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.

From Term 2 onwards we will be holding other events to celebrate our Centenary milestone. We are now advertising the Facebook group dedicated to celebrating our Centenary. You can join the group by searching “Melton South Primary School – Celebrating 100 Years” to share your stories, photos and to be informed of upcoming information. We also have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at:


PABayleeShowing a growth mindset during independent tasks.3BChaseFor contributing positively in classroom discussions.
PFHadydjaFor always being ready to learn.3CJamesFor his excellent attendance, being at school every day this term.
1ACaelynFor always being a kind and considerate member of the class.3DSeanFor being a positive role model to his peers.
1BTylerFor showing great enthusiasm in completing his home reading.3EKai Jessie KashindiFor demonstrating excellent work habits in 3F.
1CSoimavi     TryphosaFor exceeding effort in writing her sentences with full stops and capital letters.   For doing a great job in writing an opinion text about healthy living.3FTylerFor showing a keen interest and knowledge in our Mathematics, Sport and Library/Reading activities.
1DThomasFor always showing respect and kindness towards his new classmates and teachers. Welcome to 1D!3GMouauriFor always being a kind and respectful member of 3G.
1ETylerFor sounds out the letters and recording words independently. Well done!4ADominicFor completing his homework to a 5-star standard.
1FOrlandoFor using the Word Wall to help him with spelling unknown words in writing.4BLuisaFor showing the school value of kindness towards all members of the classroom.
2AZacFor a great effort exploring addition problems to find a target number.4CNoahFor being a kind, caring and helpful classroom member.
2BFelixFor his amazing efforts in writing his persuasive task independently.4DMasonDoing his best at our Athletics Day and placing 4th overall in Discus. Well done Mason!
2CAwadFor always being a kind, respectful and helpful student to his classmates and teacher.4EGurkaranFor always trying his best and displaying the school’s values.
2DElizaFor being a helpful and supportive friend in class and in the yard.5AJerushaBeing such a positive member of 5A. We will miss you best of luck at your new school!
2EKayanFor being a positive and inclusive member of our classroom.5BLucasFor always being willing to help others in and outside the classroom.
2FGenovevaFor creating a healthy meal plate and a creative slogan for her place mat.5CTysonFor working hard to solve 12 and 24 hour times.
PArtsAbbie 2BFor consistency of application in Performing Arts with her learning.5FConnorFor his enthusiasm with the Dream Big Circus program and performance.
MJ 1AFor composing an appealing rhythm and playing it perfectly!6ACrispinHis great efforts to complete learning tasks to the best of his ability.
STEAMCadey 1AFor always applying herself to any challenge given.6EHarvirFor supporting his persuasive topic with logical arguments.
Kevin 1AFor displaying excellent drawing and cutting skills. ArianFor using emotive reasoning when writing his persuasive text.
LOTECrystal 1AFor being a wonderful helper in the French classroom. C’est magnifique!   


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart. When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge, here is where we celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

10 SWPBSName, Grade (P,1) Adelina 1B
Zen 1B Tyler 1B Kit 1B Samatha 1B
Nikki-Leigh 1B Skylar 4C Hope 4C Rehmat 4C Zakiah 4C Amsah 4C Noah 4C Jeremiah 4A
Name, Grade (2,3,4) Sarah 4BName, Grade (5,6) Dominic 5A
Inoke 5A Kaylee 5A Nu mawi 5A Venessa 5A
25 SWPBS  Rhyko 2D Danielle 2D Aleef 3C
Abdul Rahman 3C Quedessa 3C Akshara 3C
Asui 3C Ruby 3C Kaydan 3C

Peer Leadership Badge

In order to achieve a peer leader badge, the grade 6 students must complete a minimum of 35 days of home reading and at least 3 of the following requirements.

5 weeks’ worth of homework tasks (a total of 10 tasks)Full school uniform according to the MSPS school policyStudent of the Week awardConsistently following the school values in the classroom95% or above attendanceNegotiated with the teacher

Congratulations to the following grade 6 students who have been working hard and have achieved their Peer Leadership badge this week.

6A Bella, Olivia, Liam, Ben.
6B Shehbaaz, Elias, Isaac, Haylee, Sydney, Savannah, Margret, Maison, Areebah, Nina, Hayden, El
6C Saia, Divine, Aiden B, Jackson, Grace,
|6E Jace, Liva, Nadrietta, Charlotte, Roda, John, Archimedes


CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school camps, excursions, incursions and sporting activities.

If you have a valid concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF.

This allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursion, incursion or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per student is $125 for primary school students.

2023 CSEF application forms are available from the school office or online, previously posted on Compass and Skoolbag.

Please ensure that forms are fully and correctly completed in legible writing and signed, incomplete applications may not be processed.

You also need to present (or attach if submitting via email) a copy of your current Health Care Card to the office for photocopying.

Grade 2 Train to Bacchus Marsh

In term 2, week 4 the Grade 2 students will be catching the V-line train to Bacchus Marsh where they will eat their snack, play on the adventure playground as well as playing some ball games, and have a sausage for lunch. Students are able to bring their own lunch, if they wish. Then they will catch the V-line train back to Melton. The cost per student will be approximately $4. Notes will be sent home in term 2.


It has been a productive term of work with Grade 6’s creating some wonderful prosthetic hands and Grade S’s making board games from the 1920 to1990 era. Meanwhile, Grade 3 has been rescuing Rapunzel from a tower and Grade 4 have made some amazing Steampunk insects.

We are proud of our students’ enthusiastic efforts, many of whom have given up their lunchtimes to work on their projects.

In the Junior School, Grade 2 has been making a shelter as a protective barrier from insects and also to withstand a hurricane! (A makeshift hairdryer).

Both Grade 1’s and the Preps have been practising their cutting, folding and drawing skills with heart-warming results.

The STEAM team wish everyone and safe and happy Easter and lookforward to another term of creative fun!