A decorative Welcome Back to School image with colourful school supplies including red apple, pencils, glue, pains, rulers, book and graduation cap

Returning to School

Dear Parents and Carers,

On behalf of our school, I want to say a BIG THANK YOU to all our students, parents and carers for your continued resilience and support throughout this year. I know remote and flexible learning has not always been easy, but you can be confident that we will continue to do the very best to support your child/children both academically and emotionally.

Term 4 is important for every Victorian student, and our teachers will strive to deliver high-quality learning for everyone. Whether we’re teaching remotely or face-to-face, our focus for Term 4 is on making sure that every student is supported in their wellbeing, learning and transition needs.

The Victorian Government has outlined the staged return to on-site schooling for all students as part of its gradual roadmap towards reopening.

Term 4 on-site schooling arrangements for students
Following advice of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, the Victorian Government has released a staged approach for students to return to on-site schooling.

The purpose of the plan is to get students back in the classroom as soon and as safely as possible without putting at risk all that has been achieved through the period of restrictions to reduce the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

For Melton South Primary School, the following arrangements apply:

5–9 October (first week of Term 4)

·         on-site supervision for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students will continue to be provided, consistent with existing guidelines.

·         remote and flexible learning will continue for all students

From Monday 12 October (second week of Term 4)

Students in Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 2 will return to on-site schooling for term 4. The existing remote learning program will not continue for these year levels.

·         On-site supervision for children of permitted workers and vulnerable students will continue to be provided, consistent with existing guidelines.

·         On Monday and Tuesday remote learning will continue for students in Grade 3-6. Matrixes will not be sent out for these two days. Students are advised to work on Mathletics and Reading Express.

From Wednesday 14 October (second week of Term 4)

Students in Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5 and Grade 6 will return to on-site schooling for term 4. The existing remote learning program will not continue for these year levels from this day on.

Please find attached below the Return to School Entry and Exit point map outlining drop off and pick up gates/times. Please note that changes have been made.

Outside school hours care and vacation care

During the staged return, outside school hours care will be available to students attending for on-site supervision and progressively for the relevant year levels returning to on-site schooling.

Health and safety measures

The Term 3 remote and flexible learning arrangements were put in place to significantly reduce the movement of more than one million students and their families across Victoria, to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Thanks to you and your family for contributing to this on behalf of our school community.

As on-site schooling resumes, we will continue to have in place strong measures to protect the health and safety of students, staff, families and the community. This includes staggering start and finish times, restricting parent access to school grounds and continued emphasis on hand hygiene and physical distancing where possible.

Please give particular attention to reducing the risks associated with congregation at school gates and taking steps to contribute to physical distancing.

Whether your child is, or children are, returning to face-to-face learning or will be continuing with remote and flexible learning for a short period, please be assured we will be focused on three key priorities in Term 4:

Mental health and wellbeing

Our highest priority will be the wellbeing, particularly the mental health, of every student and member of staff. This means effectively mobilising all available resources to support our most vulnerable students and enabling staff to access the relevant support services.

Learning and excellence

Some of our students have thrived in the remote and flexible learning environment, others have maintained their learning progress, and some have fallen behind, despite their best efforts and those of their families and teachers. Our priority will be supporting both those who need it to catch up and those who have progressed to continue to extend their learning.


We will make every effort to ensure successful transitions for children moving from kindergarten into Prep, the Grade 6s moving into Year 7.

We know some families are worried that their child may have to repeat a year due to the disruptions of coronavirus (COVID-19). There is little evidence to support the benefits of repeating a year to catch up. Instead, schools will use teaching strategies that draw on the best evidence available to help students meet their learning needs. 

Parents, families and carers can be confident that the best option for almost every child is to stay with their peer group, whether that is moving from kindergarten into Prep, moving from Grade 6 into Year 7 at secondary school, or students moving up any year level in between.

Our school, working with you, has shown it can be flexible and adaptable in responding to the challenges of coronavirus (COVID-19) and will continue to meet student needs as we look towards the end of the 2020 school year and ahead to 2021.

Kind regards,

Marilyn, Natalie, Michael and Angela

Leadership Team