Newsletter 3rd March 2023

EVERY SCHOOL DAY COUNTS  Friday March 3rd 2023


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

SMILE SQUAD: Smile Squad, the dental group which will be on site at MSPS later in the year has provided all students with a pack which includes a toothbrush, toothpaste and a brochure. They will be coming home with the students today.

INTERSCHOOL SPORTS: Many of our students in Grade 5 /6 have had the opportunity to represent our school in volleyball, cricket and hot shot tennis. We have been very pleased with the sportsmanship shown by our students. The Lightning Premiership will be held next Friday.

GREAT NEWS:  We received news this week that our Grade 6 students have the opportunity to attend a 3 day camp at Valley Homestead, Ovens. It will be held during the last three days of term 2. Thanks to Positive Start this camp will be free! Travel, accommodation, meals and activities are all included. I told the Grade 6 students yesterday and they were all so excited. More details will be provided at a later date. 

NEW STAFF: This week we welcomed four new Education Support staff to MSPS, Joel Mitchener, Belinda Lambert, Hailey Dikes and Kellie Ferguson.

CENTENARY ROOM: We are in the process of setting up our 1923 classroom. We have purchased the old desks, and are collecting chalkboards, chalk, inkwells and pens, old wooden toys etc. In term 2 all grades will be having sessions in this room learning what school life was like decades ago.

Centenary Pavers are Available to Order now! Please see the Skoolbag app or office for order/payment form. On Friday 31st March we will be having our Centenary Launch Picnic. This will include two dress-up parades for Prep – Two and Three – Six. Students, Staff and Parents are encouraged to dress up in clothing from the following decades: 1920s-2010s. (See flyer below) We have an email dedicated to all Centenary enquiries at: We look forward to celebrating our schools’ incredible milestone with you this year!


PAHarperFor trying her best when learning how to write the magic c letters.3ANaw NawFor reaching 25 nights of reading, so far, this year. Well done for your great effort in reading every night.
PBSageFor always using beautiful manners and being a lovely role model in our classroom.3BOliviaFor working really hard on her sight words and reading each day.
PDMilitasiFor taking pride in her work and participating in class discussions.3CKaydanFor always working diligently in all areas of his learning and helping to maintain our environment to a high standard.
PEMillaFor working hard at labelling all her pictures!3DPrahladFor working respectfully with your partner during a buddy reading activity.
PFHunterFor working collaboratively with others when making patterns.3ETaeaolasiFor continually having a growth mindset and putting her hand up to have a go at answering questions.
1BAbdulkareem     KitFor showing commitment to your nightly reading and achieving 25 nights.   For showing commitment to your nightly reading and achieving 25 nights.3FSkylablu     Patrick  For planning an awesome persuasive text with strong arguments and supporting evidence.   For displaying excellent work habits and creative thinking.
1CCatalayaFor settling into her new class at MSPS and for doing her best in planning a recount. Well done Catalaya!3GWinnyFor always taking pride in her work and using a growth mindset when presented with a challenge.
1DJamilaFor displaying a growth mindset in Maths by trying 3 different ways until she came to the correct answer. Well done!4AShaynaFor fantastic commitment to her take home reading program.
1EMilaFor displaying a growth mindset in writing a narrative.4BAnnikaFor consistently displaying our school’s values to be a respectful student.
1FAmelia For writing an excellent example of a simple sentence.4CZakiahFor always taking pride in her work and trying her best to produce an amazing narrative.
2AMackenzieFor a great recount about a class challenge.4DPriyaFor consistently putting her best effort into all her learning tasks. Fantastic narrative writing so far!
2BKai     ConorFor 25 reading nights. Keep up the amazing reading! For 25 reading nights. Keep up the awesome reading!4EEzeeFor working so hard on writing and illustrating his narrative.
2CNityanshPlanning and writing an excellent recount about his growth mindset drawing challenge.5AMiaFor being a responsible and respectful team member of 5A. Mia you are always willing and able to help all your classmates. It’s a credit to you on how you conduct yourself in a class setting. Keep doing amazing things!
2DJuneFor always showing kindness to her classmates.5BFrancisFor creating a fantastic map with a scale, compass, key and grid reference system.
2EZionFor his engagement within the classroom by always putting his hand up and trying his best.5CJasonFor working hard on including simple, compound and complex sentences in his narrative writing.
2FRyderFor completing his weekly homework task and home reading practice consistently.5DLillieFor completing her nightly reading and reaching 25 nights. Well Done!
LOTEJasper 5EFor being a helpful, enthusiastic, outstanding role model in French.5E  Levi  For showing the school value of ‘Respect’ to all of her peers.
STEAMPaige 6DFor being a collaborative and helpful member of the class.5FPersephoneFor her willingness and enthusiasm in engaging in class.
PArtsAurora 3D     Yvonne 2AFor her enthusiastic participation in a class discussion of our listening example.   Being an excellent dance captain in Performing Arts.6ACortezHis willingness & ability to assist other students with technology issues.
6BNoahWriting a narrative with an orientation, problem, solution and conclusion.
PEDominik     Blake   Joshua 5DFor demonstrating great dodging skills during PE. Well Done!   For coaching his peers in Athletic events.   For his efforts when demonstrating shot put technique. Well done!6CIsaiah     DivineFor using the lines is his book as a guide when writing his narrative.   For using lots of details and descriptive language when writing her narrative.
6DSidusFor his commitment towards our classroom routine and his own learning.
   6EArchimedesFor having a Growth Mindset when solving elapsed time problems.


Each day, MSPS students work their way up the learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding on their token acknowledgment chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge. We celebrate students who have worked hard to achieve their milestone badges.

Rhyko, 2D        Noah, 2D        Danielle, 2D        Winter, 2DPiula, 2D          Aaron, 2D       June, 2D               Flynn 3CAkshara, 3C     Asui, 3C          Ruby 3C               Kaydan 3CAmazon 3E      Jensen 3E        Lance 3E              Kai 3EAubrey 3E       Andreea 3E

Junior School Council

Congratulations to the following students for their successful application to be a Junior School Council representative. These students will have the opportunities to assist during assemblies, help to organise fundraisers as well as our 100-year centenary celebrations.

6A – Keisha, Kaelie, Jaylah
6B – Maison, Hanameel, El
6C – Divine, Aiden C
6D – Hamden, Willoh
6E – Ariam


Melton South Primary School is taking part in Harmony Week 2023 (20th – 24th of March). Harmony Week is celebrated Australia wide as a time to reflect on the importance of celebrating and respecting each other, and our differences. Through this event students at Melton South Primary School will be learning about different cultures to develop an understanding of inclusiveness and create a sense of belonging. Students will be participating in a range of learning including researching celebrations throughout the world, similarities and differences in lifestyles, traditional food, activities, beliefs, songs, games and education.

In addition, Melton South Primary School will be holding a Harmony Day parade on Friday the 24th of March, to celebrate the wide range of different cultures we have within our school. Students can choose to wear the colour orange (orange is the colour that represents harmony) or wear something that symbolises their culture.

Please join us in celebrating Harmony together by coming to watch our parade!

Where: School Quadrangle
When: Friday the 24th of March
Foundation – Grade 2: 9:15am – 10am
Grade 3- Grade 6: 2:30pm -3:15pm

Thank you for supporting us in celebrating everyone within our school community.

Harmony Day Competition
Make an A3 size poster, poem, short story or artwork about ‘Why we should celebrate Harmony Day’. The winner of each year level will receive a certificate at assembly and their work will be displayed around the school. Entries close: Friday March 24th, 2023

Expression of Interest

Do you have a cultural experience or important item that you would like to share with others?

We are looking for expressions of interest from families and caregivers in the Melton South Primary School community who would like to either volunteer approximately 10-15 minutes of their time to share part of their culture with a grade or support their child in bringing and sharing something of cultural significance with their class. Some examples of items or experiences may include; a song, an item such as a sari or singing bowl, a traditional game or story, a dance, important celebration or a tradition.

If you are interested, could you please fill out the form by scanning the QR code or speak to your child’s classroom teacher.