Return to School Update February 17th 2021

We look forward to welcoming everyone back tomorrow, Thursday February 18th.

For students and families gates will be opened from 8.30am in the morning and 3.05pm in the afternoon. All school gates will be closed at 9.00am and 3.25pm respectively. Entry and exit to the school grounds outside of these times will need to be via the school office. Please also see the Skoolbag update relating to picking up students during learning time.

Please ensure you socially distance and use the QR codes to check in whenever you enter the school grounds.  

Unfortunately the ‘Getting To Know You” interviews are postponed, further details will be available shortly.

Prep students who missed out on their Wednesday Prep Assessments will now have their assessment conducted during school hours.  Prep classroom teacher will make contact with those affected families to discuss the Nurses form that needs to be completed and any other issues.

The Canteen and Uniform shop will be operating as normal and bubble taps will be available to all students.

Thank you for your patience and partnership during this brief time of lockdown.