A colourful outlike of some childrens drawings set against a black background with the heading Skylines and Storylines

Art News

Welcome back everyone! We have had another creative start to the year with Grade Prep and Grade One students drawing some wonderful self-portraits which they are still adding their final flourishes to.

They have learnt about collage through making their “Love you to bits” and “Guess who loves you?” masterpieces which have been sent home for you to treasure.

This year we are privileged to have been chosen to work with The Melton City Council and Playable Streets on a project called Skylines and Storylines. It involves students creating a piece of artwork of their favourite place in Melton and uploading it onto the site below. Any student from Prep to Grade 6 can enter and get to appreciate and celebrate their art online to create an interactive art show.

The information about the project is located on the Melton Shire Website

The program will evolve into a project later in July where students from a grade level will work with the artists from Playable Streets. They have a producer, robotics engineer, illustrator, videographer, composer and creative director just to name a few of their team.

“Playable Streets has spent a year working with children from different pockets of the city to create art, audio stories and installations which uncover diverse experiences of growing up in a rapidly changing community. This exhibition is a celebration of local children’s voices, and a chance for families to play inside an immersive world of pictures, sound and stories.”

The Art Team looks forward to seeing the wonderful works of Art your children will be making!

Have fun everyone!

The Art Team- Melissa Spencer, Sue Miles, Debbie Hine and Kate Rozsa