Newsletter 11th December 2024

Wednesday December 11th 2024

Melton South Primary School acknowledges the Wurundjeri People as the Traditional Owners of the land on which we learn and play. We value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture. We recognise the First People’s connection to lands, waters and communities. We pay our respects to Elders, both past, present and emerging.


Everyone has the right to be SAFE
Everyone has the right to be RESPECTED
Everyone has the right to LEARN

GRADUATION: On Monday we had our Grade 6 graduation at Melton Entertainment Centre. Parents were invited to the formal part of the evening, once the parents left our graduates and staff enjoyed dinner and disco. We are very proud of our grade 6 students and wish them well in Year 7 next year. We will be having a guard of honour for our grade 6 graduates, all students will be lined up around the school to farewell them. It will end in area 5, the fenced off area of the council oval.

WHOLE SCHOOL BREAKFAST: Next Tuesday, 17th December, staff will be cooking breakfast for the students commencing at 9:10am. The cost is $3.00, breakfast will include pancakes, juice, toast, fruit and sausage in bread. This is in place of end of year class parties.


PCNelly   AbishekFor working hard to write the letters in his name the correct way. For a positive return to school!4DAbbad    For continually displaying our school values by showing respect to his teachers and classmates.
PEAbelFor trying hard to use correct letter formation.4EMatthew   Xander  His excellent growth mindset after arriving at his new school. For his positive and improved application to learning.
PFDylan   Karlia   BraxtonFor working hard to write her name using lower case letters. Congratulations on being PF’s first student to earn 100 tokens! Congratulations on earning 100 tokens! Super star!!!4FJordyn   Karanvir     Tyler ZayneFor including others when playing outside. For his growth in confidence when answering questions during class discussions. Being kind to a grade 2 student. Being kind to a grade 2 student.
2CKayla   PeterFor writing a great free-verse poem about Christmas. For writing a fabulous free-verse poem about the world hemispheres.5BFaraja  For using the correct structure in her limerick poems.
2EJasmin   Treyson  For writing a great free-verse poem about dogs. For writing an interesting narrative about a monkey king.5CKiram   Aswad  For consistently engaging in class discussions. For using the correct structure to write a range of poems.
3BAlexis   Harneet  For writing some excellent poems during our poetry unit. For having a go and using different strategies during our problem-solving maths lessons.5DNathanFor creating excellent limericks during writing.
3CSadie   Eliza   NathanielFor her outstanding resilience over the last week! For her willingness to connect with others and form new friendships. For his enthusiastic approach towards independent reading.5EMalakaiFor actively participating in class discussions.
3DAvni     Riley    For consistently working hard in class and for displaying amazing leadership skills! Great job! For working hard during our poetry writing sessions. Keep it up!6ARayaan   Haiyan   Brax   JackFor writing a fabulous poem about tim tams. For her creative poem about Australian animals. For being a fabulous helper when packing up our classroom. For being a great helper this week. Thanks Jack!
4ASyrus   Marlee  For showing commitment to his learning. For working hard to make good choices in the class and yard.6BLaghuvi SagguFor their detailed plan outlining what would be in their Australian ballads next week.
4BZahra   Blessing   RileyFor an amazing job at settling into her new school! Well done. Displaying leadership skills by helping her peers when needed. For working hard in numeracy and having a go at all given tasks!6CDanielFor helping save a stuck Prep on the playground. Thank you!
4CWaniaFor consistently working hard in numeracy understanding new concepts.6EAnnaleeFor being a responsible and helpful member of 6E while your teacher was absent. For displaying all the core values that MSPS students show!

to all award winners, you are stars

Each day, MSPS students work their way up the SWPBS learning ladder through following our school values, showing Respect, Kindness, and striving to do their best every day. When they reach the top, they are recorded with an Outstanding day on their token acknowledgement chart.  When a student reaches a significant milestone of Outstanding days, they earn a badge.

 Name, Grade PrepName, Grade 1 & 2Name, Grade 3 & 4Name, Grade 5 & 6
10 SWPBS  Fatima 3D 
25 SWPBSCooper PF Jade M 4C
Aubrey 4C
Tyler 4C
Owais 4C
Ahmed 4C Abdullah 4C   Liam 3D
Ella 3D
Sahib 3D Savannah 3D
Ayub 5D
Rosalie 5D
Ray PF
 Junisa 4C
Jade C 4C Andreea 4C   Moo-Nay 3D Rejoice 3D
Akesa 3D
Ngun 3D
Jai 3D
Blake 5D
Zynayah 5D
75 SWPBSMJ PF Wania 4C Catherine 4F Rhyko 3A
Conor 3A
Tegvir 3A
Zen 3A
Safreen 3A
Sahib 3A
Amara 5D Charlotte 5D Fatiha 5D
Chase 5D Shahbaaz 5D
100 SWPBSKarlia PF
Braxton PF
 Yvonne 3AJemma 5D
Ariz 5D
Emily 5D
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Please check your inbox and spam folders for an email from the Education Department. ​

The email contains a unique code for the $400 bonus and access to the School Saving Bonus Online system.
Parents that have not received their code, please call 1800 338 663 or email

Please do not call the school as this is a Victorian Government initiative processed through the Victorian Education Department.


POSTPONED due to expected extreme heat on Monday.

Updates with further information will be sent via Compass.


The 2025 CSEF application form will be available at the start Term 1 next year.

School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All are a part of a healthy curriculum.

CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.               

Melton South Primary School LITTLE LONG WALK

When::    TOMORROW, 12th of December

Who:       The whole school

What:      Dancing in the morning, a walk in the afternoon (F – 2 walking inside the school and 3 – 6 walking outside the school) and out of school uniform (yellow, red and black or green, blue and white) with a gold coin donation.

Why:   Many of you may have heard of The Long Walk created by former AFL legend Michael Long in 2004. Michael Long decided that something needed to be done about the plight of the Indigenous community, so he walked from his home in Melbourne all the way to Parliament House in Canberra. From that moment, The Long Walk was born, with money raised to support Indigenous education programs across the country.


Thank you Staughton College for inviting us as guests to the Homework Club on Melton FM. Special thanks to DJ Will for the warm welcome, the scripts, the games and the fun! Our students enjoyed the tour of Melton FM, participating in a history lesson and watching Jasper be crowned the challenge champion!